BDBO project was designed to build capacity and actively support long-term unemployed 40+, thus finding ways out of difficult economic and social situations. These low qualified Europeans are hit the hardest from economic pressures, and through this project they will be provided with simple and practical guidance to change and improve their life.
This 2-year project foresees 3 main phases to identify possible solutions and ways out, always in strict collaboration with the community these adults are living in. The whole project is based on a methodology cycle, conceived in synergy with the community, named OBAMA:
- Orientation
- Briefing
- Ability
- Meeting
- Action

The project aimed at increasing the capacity to act among adults by providing them with specific tools and an ad-hoc methodology. It was based on the real-life and work situation of long-term unemployed adults, practicing within their community the OBAMA methodology cycle. Its major output? By learning to take action within the community, these adults can become subjects of change instead of objects of change.