23rd IOPD Conference
July 23, 2024The 2024 OIDP conference will be held in Valongo, Portugal, October 17-19. The forums and debates at this conference will be mainly dedicated to identifying the forms and mechanisms of participatory democracy that best defend communities from authoritarian drifts based on disinformation, typical of some populist phenomena.

European Week of Regions and Cities 2024
July 23, 2024The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance.
ALDA is taking part through a stand for the three days and the participation of Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General, presenting ALDA Flagship Initiative on Ukraine.

63rd ERSA Congress – Regional Science Dialogues for Peace and Sustainable Development
June 27, 2024ALDA will take part to the 63rd ERSA Congress – Regional Science Dialogues for Peace and Sustainable Development

Highlights from the 11th Danube Participation Day and 13th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
June 25, 2024The ALDA Team participated in the 11th Danube Participation Day and the 13th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.

Celebrazioni del 40° anniversario del Concorso “Diventiamo Cittadini Europei”
June 20, 2024evento è avviato dalla Provincia di Verona con il Movimento Federalista Europeo. Andrea Rilievo, parte del Governing Board di ALDA, parteciperà.

Enjoy a tailor-made retreat at Villa Fabris, Thiene, Italy
June 20, 2024Villa Fabris in Thiene: a truly unparalleled setting for hosting retreats on local democracy-related issues

13th Annual Forum for EU Strategy for the Danube Region
June 7, 2024The meeting will be attended by GB member Inna Volkova and accompanied by ALDA staff Anastasiia Buslaieva.

11th Danube Participation Day
June 7, 202411th Danube Participation Day and 13th Annual Forum for EU Strategy for the Danube Region.
The meeting will be attended by GB member Inna Volkova and accompanied by ALDA staff Anastasiia Buslaieva.
Events organised by ALDA member Foster Europe.

TED Network Annual Meeting 2024
June 6, 2024The Team Europe Democracy (TED) is a global thematic Team Europe Initiative (TEI) launched in December 2021 to promote democracy and human rights worldwide. ALDA is part of the network within Working Group 2.
Antonella Valmorbida, Manal Snidi, and Adrien Licha will attend the TED Annual Meeting in Brussels, to be active with speeches and a stand, particularly within Working Group 2 “citizen engagement”.

AVGG – Mount Interrotto and Moschiach
June 6, 2024AVGG – Mount Interrotto and Moschiach
Guided excursion to discover Fort Interrotto and the Moschiach military cemeteries.

June 6, 2024Joint evening Event between the projects Face Up and AVGG:
Presentation of Face Up and AVGG Projects
AVGG Video Screening and introduction of good practices
Presentations Forte Maso, Malga Davante, and Bisele Agircoltural Comany

AVGG – Altar Knotto e Forte Campolongo
June 6, 2024Guided outing to discover the High Route of the Great War.
Evocative and intrinsic history excursion. via a mule track we will arrive at Fort Campolongo, one of the fortresses of the Italian defensive line on the Asiago Plateau. The path continues past the Sciason cave, a deep gorge of karst origin, at the bottom of which there is a lake that remains frozen all year round.

Apply to the CERV Call for Proposals and start navigating the Town Twinning world through ALDA+’s Comprehensive Support!
May 31, 2024ALDA+ is excited to disseminate the CERV-2024-CITIZENS-TOWN-TT call for proposals, focusing on Town Twinning initiatives. This programme offers a unique opportunity for municipalities and local communities to engage in international exchanges that celebrate the rich diversity and shared heritage of the European Union.

Local Impact, European Vision: Vimercate Hosts Panel on PNRR within HEARD Project
May 27, 2024On Saturday 11th May 2024 ALDA participated in the event “Vimercate in Europa, l’Europa a Vimercate: PNRR, HEARD e altri progetti da raccontare” held at the Falcone e Borsellino auditorium of the civic library of Vimercate (Italy).
The day, with a European background, focused on three panels discussing politics, PNRR and European projects, including the HEARD project, which aims to deepen the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on democratic debate, the enjoyment of fundamental rights and women’s work-life balance through the adoption of a gender perspective.

ALDA Festival and General Assembly 2024: Advancing Territorial Development and Decentralisation
May 23, 2024On the afternoon of May 15, 2024, the ALDA Festival and General Assembly hosted an amazing event within its framework, focusing on advancing territorial development and decentralisation

Territorial cooperation multilevel Partnerships and EU integration: lessons learned at the border between Italy and Slovenia
May 22, 2024L’iniziativa, intitolata “Territorial cooperation, multilevel partnerships and EU integration: lessons learned at the border between Italy and Slovenia” ha come obiettivo principale di approfondire la comprensione delle modalità della cooperazione transfrontaliera al fine di ampliare ed approfondire le conoscenze necessarie, utili al futuro allargamento dell’Unione Europea.