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ALDA’s ongoing commitment to Democracy, ensuring Quality and Transparency in all its activities
Empowering Citizens as foundation of Democracy: ALDA’s June Highlights on Democratic Engagement
Local Democracy for Global Impact: from Barcelona, to the whole Europe and beyond
Across Europe and Beyond: Empowering Communities in Action
#BetterEuropeTogether: Empowering Cities, Strengthening Civic Participation
Building bridges: local empowerment for active global citizenship
Embarking on 2024: Celebrating excellence, empowering Democracy, and driving positive change together
Wrapping up 2023, unveiling the journey into 2024: acting locally to impact globally
Local Democracy Agencies as instruments of peace, social cohesion, and reconstruction: ALDA’s network expands
Building resilient communities: ALDA and its members strengthen local democracy through civic engagement
Democracy at the core: State of the Union and ALDA’s actions to strengthen citizen participation
August 2023: youth as a driving force of participatory democracy
Participation is key to a more resilient democracy
A great ALDA General Assembly 2023: Local Democracy will save Democracy!
ALDA celebrates Europe Day focusing on EU enlargement and empowerment
“Local Democracy will Save Democracy”: ALDA Festival and General Assembly to support democracy worldwide
Meeting with Commission Vice-President Ms. Šuica to exchange on the role of participatory democracy at the local level for the future of Europe
500 projects to leave no one behind: ALDA works with members and partners to empower civil society in Ukraine, Türkiye, Europe and beyond
Starting 2023: focusing in ALDA Members localising good governance. Welcoming the Swedish Presidency of the European Union
Towards 2023: our work even more important. Acting with our global alliance supporting local democracy in difficult times