STAR 2.0
August 14, 2024Street Art for the Future -Training course for youth workers on how to use street art as a tool for social inclusion

GTTO – Get The Trolls Out
July 12, 2024Undivided Action on Divisive Speech

June 14, 2024Alliance multi-stakeholder for Migrants Integration and Labor

June 14, 2024The European Platform of Integrating Communities

June 5, 2024Promoting Fundamental Rights through Charter Use in Society

June 3, 2024SpeakUP – addressing societal problems and fostering participatory democracy through public debates

May 31, 2024E-VOICE – A Voice for Europe

April 15, 2024Balkans for Optimising Opportunities, Sustainability and Transformation of Civil Society

February 26, 2024Sport, Inclusion, Movement, Participation, Learning, Environment

January 23, 2024Extraordinary Citizens aims at encouraging and facilitating the inclusive participation of young people with intellectual and physical disabilities in the society, especially in the democratic processes that affect them directly, that means in the socioeconomic, cultural and political factor.

January 23, 2024Empower young women to drive change in their communities, by providing them with a supportive intercultural, inclusive, and sustainable learning environment.

January 23, 2024Social PostCovid19 Urban Revitalisation

Support to the settlement of temporary Shelter Areas in Earthquake Region Hatay/Türkiye
January 22, 2024Thanks to the financial assistance from Fons Mallorqui, ALDA is supplying 264 beds to households residing in temporary shelters in Hatay.

Civil Society for European Integration
January 22, 2024Supporting an enabling environment for civil society in helping the
country achieve common European values and standards.