ALDA – the European Association for Local Democracy, implements more than 100 projects a year supporting local democracy and citizen engagement. The Summer School in Villa Fabris offers to our members, partners and all participants a unique opportunity for sharing experiences, getting inspired and collecting strengths for future commitment in your professional and personal life.
The experience will give you the opportunity to focus on what democracy means today and why it is challenged and how to fight back.
Villa Fabris, with its rich historical significance and serene surroundings, provides an ideal setting for reflection and discourse on the vital role of local democracy in sustaining and strengthening democratic principles.
The Summer School on Local Democracy at Villa Fabris (Thiene, Italy) is an opportunity free of charge and will take place on 28-29-30 August 2024

By bringing together diverse perspectives and experiences, the summer school seeks to facilitate knowledge exchange, capacity building, and networking opportunities among participants, empowering them to become catalysts for positive change in their respective communities. Overall, the Summer School on Local Democracy at Villa Fabris seeks to inspire, educate, and empower participants to become effective advocates for local democracy and champions of democratic governance in their communities and beyond. By fostering collaboration and mutual learning, the summer school aims to contribute to the establishment of Villa Fabris as a hub for ongoing dialogue and capacity building in the field of local democracy.
You will meet with like-minded people who are, like you, engaged in democracy at the local, national and more global level. You will get to know key actors at the European level that will share with you their personal and professional paths.
The School also offers a spotlight, on an yearly basis, on a specific country. This year the focus will be on Ukraine, which is going through massive challenges, after the fully fledged aggression of Russia in 2022.
The Summer School aims to convene thought leaders, policymakers, academics, and practitioners from around the world to explore innovative approaches, emerging trends, and best practices in local governance.
Key themes and objectives of the summer school include:
- Understanding the Foundations of Local Democracy: Delving into the historical evolution and theoretical underpinnings of local democracy, examining its significance in the broader context of democratic governance.
- Challenges and Opportunities in Contemporary Local Governance: Identifying and analysing current challenges facing local governments, such as political polarization, fiscal constraints, and social inequality, while exploring innovative strategies for overcoming these obstacles.
- Harnessing Technology for Citizen Engagement: Exploring the potential of digital platforms, data analytics, and e-participation tools to enhance citizen participation, transparency, and accountability in local decision-making processes.
- Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Communities: Examining approaches to fostering inclusive dialogue, diversity, and social cohesion within local communities, with a focus on sustainability, resilience, and equitable development.
- Strengthening Democratic Institutions and Civic Engagement: Assessing the role of civil society, grassroots movements, and local leadership in nurturing democratic values, promoting civic education, and building trust between citizens and government.
- Case Studies and Best Practices: Showcasing successful initiatives, pilot projects, and innovative models of local democracy from various regions, highlighting lessons learned and practical insights for replication and adaptation.
Travel, accommodation and meals non specifically included in the agenda are not covered
DAY 1: Foundations of Local Democracy |
- 9:30 – 10:30 Welcome and Introduction to the School of Local Democracy
- presentation and community building
- 10:00 – 11:00 Keynote Address: “The Evolution of Local Democracy: Historical Perspectives”
- Patrick Molinoz, President of the citizenship, governance, institutional and external affairs commission (CIVEX) of the European Committee of the Regions
- Natasa Vuckovic, director of the Centre for Democracy Foundation of Belgrade, President of ALDA
- Helfried Carl, Innovation on local democracy and current trends
- Coffee break
- 11:30 – 13:00 Panel Discussion: “Principles and Values of Local Democracy”
- Marco Boaria o other ALDA staff
- implementation, instruments and projects of ALDA as well as partners contributions
- Lunch
- 14:30 – 16:00 Workshop: “Citizen Participation and Democratic Decision-Making”
- using the right instrument at the right place, mapping
- ALDA staff
- Coffee break
- 16:30-18:00 Workshop: “Citizen Participation and Democratic Decision-Making”
- 18:30 Networking Reception and Cultural Evening
DAY 2: Challenges and Innovations in Local Governance |
- 9:00 – 9:30 Keynote Address: “Navigating Challenges in Contemporary Local Governance: post normal times and challenges of local governance”
- Monika Chabior, Deputy President for Social Development and Equal Treatment, City of Gdansk (PL)
- Abdelaziz Bouslah, ALDA Tunis Office Director & Africa Regional Officer of MEA Department
- 9:30 – 11:00 Panel Discussion: “Innovative Approaches to Local Service Delivery”
- Francesca Gelli, Associate Professor of Political Science – Università IUAV di Venezia
- Coffee break
- 11:30 – 13:00 Workshop: “Digital Democracy: Leveraging Technology for Civic Engagement”
- Patrick Molinoz, President of the citizenship, governance, institutional and external affairs commission (CIVEX) of the European Committee of the Regions
- ALDA staff
- Lunch
- 14:30 – 16:00 Interactive Session: “Design Thinking for Local Solutions”
- ALDA staff
- 16:00 – 18:00 Study Visit: Thiene Municipality and Local Community Projects
DAY 3: Ukraine at a critical path : looking into the future for sustainable and deep democracy |
- 9:00 – 11:00 Keynote Addresses and open discussion: “Civil Society groups from Ukraine”
- Inna Volkova, ALDA’s Governing Board member and member of Odesa Rayon Council, Ukraine
- Coffee break
- 11:30 – 13:00 Panel Discussion: “Social Cohesion and Community Resilience”
- Lunch
- 14:30 – 16:00 Workshop: “Empowering Marginalized Voices: Strategies for Inclusive Governance”
- animation form the Local Democracy Agencies Ukraine and coordinator
- democracy at stake and in fragile context
- Anastasiia Buslaieva, ALDA Ukraine LDA Coordinator
- Coffee break
- 16:30 Closing Ceremony: Reflections and Next Steps
- Departure
The applications to the Summer School will officially close on August 4th, 2024. Book your spot!