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The project “THINKEU – Through Information and Knowledge towards EU” (Action 2 – Active Civil Society in Europe – Europe for Citizens Programme) is conceived to support the Croatian accession to the EU with a strong, deep and sustained dialogue between the civil society actors in Croatia. The objectives of the project are in accordance with the objectives of the programme as well as with the priorities defined for Croatia: enhancing public debate in Croatia on EU membership, informal learning by organising different workshops, informing the public about the EU funded project and more.

The project aims to promote European values such are gender balance, intergenerational solidarity and many others.
One of the focuses will be the organization of workshops with the themes of Volunteering and Civil activism held by the partner NGO – ZUM and abouth the EU values and multiculturality by the ALDA, because only informed citizens can be active European citizens.
The main theme of the workshops will be defining volunteering, volunteer work and values that envolve around volunteering.
The project is promoting and respecting multiculturality as a great EU value.
The new approach used in this project is the inclusion of kindergartner children in the education about EU values.
The access to the project activities and materials will be open to everyone without any aspect of discrimination.
Through the dissemination of the educational and promotional materials at regional national and international level by using the most relevant Medias in terms of coverage and audience, the widest range of population and organizations will be reached by the messages.
Within this project various activities are planned including qualitative expansion of the Euro Info point located in Pula for citizens, education of trainers / volunteers for lectures about EU, opinion polls on the attitudes of Istrian citizens towards the EU, volunteering month, exhibition and public presentations, public discussions for citizens and wider public about the European Union in general, workshops, television show.
A study visit for selected representatives of target groups, students and high school students will be organised in the Italian Region of Veneto with the aim to exchange good practices and know-how with Italian NGOs and institutions on the project’s main topics.
It is foreseen a three-day visit. The first day will be dedicated to the meeting with NGOs while the second and third day will include the visit to institutions that are dealing with Youth issues and EU programmes.