The first of the four trainings foreseen within the THINK EU, addressed to high school students from Pula Croatia, was held on the 13rd March. The training was held by Mr Alfonso Aliberti, Project Manager of ALDA, and it aimed at discussing with the students the advantages and disadvantages of being young Europeans. The training was addressed to almost 100 students from the Economic High School of Pula.
The project THINK EU has been developed by the Foundation for Partnership and Civil Society Development of Region Istria and founded within the Europe for Citizens Programme. It has as main objective to support Croatian accession to the EU with a strong, deep and sustained dialogue between civil society actors, youth and children and citizens in Istria broadening the knowledge and understanding of the EU and the process of European integration and rising the quality and impartiality of media coverage on issues related to EU membership.
ALDA participate in the project as partner and is in charge of supporting the Foundation for the topics about active citizenship and participation with the objective to transfer the long lasting experience and knowledge in application of methodologies within the project topics, to implementation several trainings and workshops on EU institutions and EU funds, and to disseminate through its wide European network and partners projects’ results and products. It will also support the Foundation in the organisation of the Study visit in Veneto.

First training “How to be young Europeans” within the EU project THINK EU
Feb 16, 2012
Youth empowerment & Education Linked project:THINK EU