STAR Project first international event in Arcugnano
July 17, 2021Since November 2019, in collaboration with ALDA, the Municipality of Arcugnano is leading the European project “STreet ARt project”, co-funded by Europe for Citizen Programme of the European Union. Aimed at building a network of European cities to promote street art as a tool for increasing citizens’ participation, the project is intended to – among others – to connect people of different cultures; regenerate depressed and abandoned areas, while reducing marginalisation.

ALDA, BUK Festival and Modena Municipality together to promote culture in Europe
June 21, 2021On the occasion of the opening event of the 2021 edition of the BUK Festival, held on Saturday 19th June at “Laboratorio Aperto – Ex AEM” in Modena; ALDA tackled the issue of culture in the European context. Culture as an added value, as a transversal value that unites, that creates future.

The Europe we want
June 17, 2021This year, on May 9th we celebrated the “Europe Day”, but that day also marked the beginning of one of the most remarkable happenings of our democratic history: the launch of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE), with an opening session held – in hybrid format – at the European Parliament, in Strasbourg.

Join ALDA General Assembly
June 14, 2021ALDA has co-signed, with other organisations, the Joint Civil Society Declaration so that to create a platform serving not only as a counterpart for the EU institutions, but also to represent citizens and people living in EU.

EU and the Western Balkans: Towards Renewed Trust
June 5, 2021A great moment of share within ALDA project Regional Youth Compact for Europe (RYCE) in Western Balkans, which ended in May 2021.

New course! European funding: programmes and opportunities
June 1, 2021Based on competences and knowledge gained throughout its 20 year experience, ALDA is able to provide valuable and professional courses on several topics, mostly related to European funding, Policy Analysis and Project Development.

ALDA at the “European Chats” by the European Movement International
May 24, 2021On May 18th, from 2 to 3 pm, ALDA Secretary General Ms Antonella Valmorbida was one of the special guest of the 8th edition of the European Chats, together with Ms Veronika Chmelárová, AEGEE Secretary General.

AGREED conference: a great success and occasion of sharing
May 19, 2021On 13th of March 2021 the conference to present the evaluation report of the pilot projects of the AGREED programme – Activating Governance Reform for Enhancing Development took place.

“Europe Day” as a starting point to shape the “Future of Europe”
May 7, 2021This year, on May 9th not only will people celebrate the “Europe Day”, but it will also mark the beginning of the Conference on the Future of Europe (COFOE), held – in hybrid format – at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Yet, what is the Conference on the Future of Europe?

VALID kick off meeting
April 21, 2021Do not miss the first international meeting of VALID project!

Reconnecting the European Union to its citizens
March 25, 2021In a period of great challenges and new global orders, some of the oldest questions for humanity come back to our mind: “where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?”

Celebrating INTERREG 30 years!
March 24, 2021The just-ended year marked the 30th anniversary of the EU cooperation programme “Interreg”, after five programming periods, hundreds of projects implemented and changes in the life of over 170 million European Citizens.

An inspiring conversation with Mr. Kiefer
March 18, 2021ALDA interviewed the Secretary General of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe

Antonella Valmorbida member of the Steering Committee of Civil Society Convention
March 10, 2021We are proud to underline that the Convention has elected – together with other six representatives – our Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida as a member of the Steering Committee, which will be in charge of leading the thematic groups.

ALDA confirmed beneficiary of the “Europe for Citizens” Operating Grant 2021
March 10, 2021For several years now, ALDA has been one of the beneficiaries of the operating grant of the “Europe for Citizens” programme of the EACEA – Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Union.

ALDA at EU level roundtable for the International Women’s Day
March 4, 2021In occasion of the International Women’s Day, the EPD network organised two events on March 4th. The first one is a discussion between practitioners and policy-makers on the ‘participation and leadership’ pillar of the third Gender Action Plan.