Together for the Conference on the Future of Europe
ALDA has co-signed, with other organisations, the Joint Civil Society Declaration so that to create a platform serving not only as a counterpart for the EU institutions, but also to represent citizens and people living in EU.
The Conference on the Future of Europe, officially launched in Strasbourg on May 9th, and planning to last till spring 2022, involves a great number of Civil Society Organisations, whose expectations are to get further details about what the EU does for them and for all EU citizens as well discussing ad hoc solutions to face future challenges. In addition, the role of the Civil Society Organisations is fundamental in bringing people together, enabling them to become active players, while designing common goals. Thus, one aspect to be discussed during the Conference should be, as stated in the Declaration, “how to reconnect people with the European Union and its institutions”.
The Conference sets itself the goal of giving citizens a greater role in shaping EU policies and ambitions, improving the Union’s resilience to crises, be it economic or health-related. It will create a new public forum for an open, inclusive, transparent and structured debate with Europeans around the issues that matter to them and affect their everyday lives.
Register now to ALDA General Assembly
and related events
The General Assembly week will also host the official launch of the new ALDA Working Groups, an opportunity for our members to share knowledge and develop ideas and projects based on the. main thematic areas ALDA works in. To get more information and sign up to one or more working group, follow this link.
See the comprehensive agenda of the week.
Find below the agenda of the week and sign-up to one or more events:
19 June 2021

The Role of Culture in the European Union
9.30am – 11am, Modena (Italy)
At the BUK Festival opening event, keynote speakers, among whom Antonella Valmorbida, ALDA Secretary General, will address the topic of culture, which will be the fil rouge will guide the conversation. The panel will be followed by a questions and answers session.

Roles and responsibilities of migrants’ inclusion in the labour market
11.30am – 12.30pm, Modena (Italy)
The fil rouge of migration will guide the conversation through questions addressed to the speakers, creating a more dynamic environment. At the end of the presentation a Q&A session will be opened and all attendees will havve the chance to iintract with the panelists.
19-20 June 2021

Visit us at the BUK Festival!
All day long, Modena (Italy)
ALDA will be present with a stand during the whole BUK Festival presenting its work, projects and activities. Come and visit us!
21 June 2021

Final Conference – LIME project
10am – 12pm, Online
LIME – Labour Integration For Migrants Employment – is a 2-year project which aims at promoting the swift integration of young Third Country Nationals – TCNs – (aged 18-29) in the labour market, by implementing the Migrants Economic Integration Cluster – MEIC model all over Europe.

Cooperation between CSOs and the private sector – 1st Working Group meeting
2pm – 4pm, Online
A first meeting of ALDA members subscribed to the ALDA Working Groups with a structure that will be aligned with the CoFoE platform criteria.

Democracy and local development – 1st Working Group meeting
4pm – 6pm, Online
A first meeting of ALDA members subscribed to the ALDA WG with a structure that will be aligned with the CoFoE platform criteria
22 June 2021

The future is Digital – DIGITAL project, 5th International event
10am – 12.30pm, Online
The project promotes collaboration among policy-makers and citizens from 15 countries, to stimulate democratic and civic participation across Europe, and to support democratic Union in the digital era.

Environment – 1st Working Group meeting
2pm – 4pm, Online
A first meeting of ALDA members subscribed to the ALDA Working Groups with a structure that will be aligned with the CoFoE platform criteria.

Digitalisation – 1st Working Group meeting
4pm – 6pm, Online
A first meeting of ALDA members subscribed to the ALDA Working Groups with a structure that will be aligned with the CoFoE platform criteria.
23 June 2021

DIGITAL project – Webinars
10am – 3.15pm, Online
The project promotes collaboration among policy-makers and citizens from 15 countries, to stimulate democratic and civic participation across Europe, and to support democratic Union in the digital era.
The event will be made of 3 panels: (1) A youth digital future; (2)Digital for citizens; (3) Digital food: a more sustainable future on our plates?

1st panel – A youth digital future
10am – 11.30am, Online
Often the future is represented by the youth: this is the opportunity to have a panel discussion with youth organisations and listen to their point of view.

2nd panel – Digital for citizens
11.30am – 12.45pm, Online
Focusing on the local level, this session will explore how digitalisation is an opportunity and a challenge for local authorities.

3rd panel – Digital food: a more sustainable food on our plates?
2pm – 3.15pm, Online
Our production and consumption patterns leave a negative environmental footprint, but digital technologies can play a key role in finding solutions.

Eastern P’Ship/Russia and Central Asia Cooperation – 1st Working Group meeting
2pm – 4pm, Online
A first meeting of ALDA members subscribed to the ALDA Working Groups with a structure that will be aligned with the CoFoE platform criteria.

South Eastern Europe Cooperation – 1st Working Group meeting
2pm – 4pm, Online
A first meeting of ALDA members subscribed to the ALDA Working Groups with a structure that will be aligned with the CoFoE platform criteria.
24 June 2021

Governing Board meeting
3.30pm – 7pm, Online & Vicenza (Italy)
ALDA Governing Board members will gather to discuss about key issues and next activities.
25 june 2021

ALDA Ordinary Annual General Assembly
10am – 1pm, Online
The Annual General Assembly of ALDA, to update and ask for members’ contribution about the present situation of the Association and future plans
The related documents will be sent via email to the ALDA Members only

The Organised Civil Society role in the Conference on the Future of Europe
2pm – 4pm, Online
Public conference organised by ALDA on the role of Civil Society Organization and the organised civil society world towards the Conference on the Future of Europe. Panelist form the European Institutions and the European Organised Civil Society will discussing the added value and fundamental role of an active civil society participation, and tackling the key issues of citizens participation for the future of Europe.