Join ALDA for being involved in the Conference on the Future of Europe
This year, on May 9th we celebrated the “Europe Day”, but that day also marked the beginning of one of the most remarkable happenings of our democratic history: the launch of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE), with an opening session held – in hybrid format – at the European Parliament, in Strasbourg.
Yet, what is the Conference on the Future of Europe?
The Conference (CoFoE) represents the opportunity for all European citizens to discuss and debate on both challenges and priorities, and discuss on the future path that Europe should follow. Thus, the idea behind it is that all three institutions – be they European Parliament; Council and Commission – will listen to European citizens, their ideas and proposals as far as the future of Europe concerns.
Still one question remains: “How can people actively join the Conference?”
Based on a bottom-up and citizens-oriented approach, citizens can both take part in several conferences and events, divided into topics. Starting from the multilingual digital platform citizens will have the possibility to share their ideas; organise events while joining some of them already available at the participatory space online.
More, the European citizens’ panels, organised by the European Commission, will bring together representatives in terms of citizens’ age, socioeconomic background, gender and origins; they will gather regularly and provide inputs to the Conference Plenary.
Till the end of the Conference, we have the possibility to propose the EUROPE THAT WE WANT !
ALDA will give you the opportunity to be part of the Conference, by raising your voice and the voices of citizens to make Europe the one we want.

The key topics to be addressed are :
- Climate change and environment
- Health
- A stronger economy, social justice and jobs
- The European Union stronger in the world
- Values, rights, rule of law and security
- Digital transformation
- European democracy
- Migration
- Education, culture, youth and sport
- Other ideas
If you are a local authority:
- You can join ALDA and participate to our projects and be part of our Working groups, which are officially registered as consultations in the official website of the European Commission
- You can get in touch with ALDA for assistance with the registration to the official CoFoE Platform, organise an event, elaborate recommendations. We will help you to raise your voice. Tell us what you are interested in by filling-out this FORM or writing an email to
If you are an association or a civil society group:
- You can join ALDA and participate to our projects and be part of our Working groups, which are officially registered as consultations in the official website of the European Commission
- You can get in touch with ALDA for assistance with the registration to the official CoFoE Platform, organise an event, elaborate recommendations. We will help you to raise your voice. Tell us what you are interested in by filling-out this FORM or writing an email to
If you are a citizen:
- You can be part of a consultation, present your proposal and engage in discussions on one or more of the key issues mentioned above. If you are interested in playing an active part in the consultation process set up by ALDA please fill-out this FORM and indicate your field(s) of interest.
For more information, write an email to
ALDA, beside the Working Groups involving the members, is planning, in cooperation with the programme of the Committee of the Regions and the Bertelsmann Foundation, a series of consultations that will take place in the upcoming months and will be officially registered in the CoFoE Platform.
Moreover, ALDA is one of the Steering Committee members of the Civil Society Convention for the future of Europe which is represented with 5 seats at the Plenary of the Conference and which is gathering several times to collect ideas and suggestions of European Citizens, including your idea, as well!
ALDA is also organising series of events and consultations thanks to its networks and in particular with the European Movement International, the European Movement Italy, the European Movement France and the European Federalist Movement of Italy.