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PEACE is a common initiative of memorial sites, NGOs and of one local authorities’ association under the overall coordination of a European umbrella organisation, active at large scale in the promotion of European citizenship and local democracy.

The overall goal of PEACE is the creation of a network of structures working on Peace Education, Citizenship and Human rights in the intent to use 20th Century European History as a tool for Active Remembrance. These partners engage in peer-to-peer experience exchanges and reflections of how to improve teaching and work methodologies for achieving among the general population: the ownership of the European Union’s values, the understanding in dept of those reasons that made possible the creation of the Council of Europe and European Union, mutual understanding of cultural differences and sufferance thus assuring the preservation of un unbiased memory and the construction of a tighter-knit Europe.
- Six local events organised in: Jasenovac, Sisak (HR), Vichy (FR), Skopje (FYR of Macedonia), Londonderry (UK) and Gorizia (IT) in which partners will involve different groups of the local population and professionals on the subjects of teaching peace, review history with participants and understand how partners’ theoretical methods can improve through these field experiences
- International conference in France, hosted by the Memorial Museum of Caen, with 3 sections on Schools, NGOs and Informal Education. Title of the conference: “Dealing with a past left unsaid – Challenges and opportunities for institutions and civil society actors”
- Creation of a publication and a website
The partnership was built trusting that all of these actors have an input on the topic of remembrance, but most of all on the experience of the past common project Education for Remembrance (E-FoR) in which they expressed their desire to further work together in order to:
- create a European forum for memory, debate and reflections
- cooperate in creating an effective method of work at large scale but also local scale