Youth and the Future of Europe: Nocera Umbra Seminar Concludes the ‘Let’s Become European Citizens’ Competition
September 5, 2024From 22 to 27 July 2024, Nocera Umbra, a picturesque village in the province of Perugia (Italy), hosted the final stage of the competition ‘Let’s become European Citizens’, an important initiative promoted by the European Federalist Movement (MFE) in collaboration with Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the Municipality of Venice.

ALDA Takes Flight to Benin: Strengthening Ties at Africa’s International Forum on Participatory Democracy
August 19, 2024From 7 to 11 August, 2024, a dedicated delegation from ALDA – the European Association …

23rd IOPD Conference
July 23, 2024The 2024 OIDP conference will be held in Valongo, Portugal, October 17-19. The forums and debates at this conference will be mainly dedicated to identifying the forms and mechanisms of participatory democracy that best defend communities from authoritarian drifts based on disinformation, typical of some populist phenomena.

A Global Conversation on Elections: Political Shifts in Europe
July 10, 2024Join us on Friday, July 12 at 4:00 p.m. GMT, as Ziad Majed and Antonella Valmorbida reflect on recent developments in Europe and the trend toward the far right of the political spectrum.

HILL: Corso di progettazione europea per l’ambiente e il territorio
July 8, 2024HILL: Corso di progettazione europea per l’ambiente e il territorio. Dalla valutazione al budget ad esempi di progetti Life.

HILL: Procedimento di Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale
July 8, 2024HILL – 2° lezione sul Procedimento di Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale: Analisi Sistematica

EU’s post-elections trajectory: What role for citizens and civil society?
July 8, 2024n the aftermath of the European elections of 6-9 June and with the new leadership already taking shape, this in-person Policy Dialogue will unpack the EU’s future trajectory and its expected political, institutional, and societal implications for the Union and its citizens.

HILL: Procedimento di Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale
June 27, 2024HILL – 2° lezione sul Procedimento di Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale: Analisi Sistematica

Celebrazioni del 40° anniversario del Concorso “Diventiamo Cittadini Europei”
June 20, 2024evento è avviato dalla Provincia di Verona con il Movimento Federalista Europeo. Andrea Rilievo, parte del Governing Board di ALDA, parteciperà.

WYDE Civic Engagement call for proposals – Third Round
June 13, 2024Are you a Civil Society Organisation working for and with youth? Are you interested in youth civic engagement and participation? We are looking for you! Participate in the WYDE Civic Engagement project call for proposals with your project idea!

CSV Positive Radio ospita ALDA: Una nuova rubrica mensile sul Volontariato e la Cittadinanza Attiva
June 11, 2024ALDA – l’Associazione Europea per la Democrazia Locale è entusiasta di annunciare una nuova collaborazione con il Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato della provincia di Vicenza (CSV di Vicenza), socio di ALDA.

Vinnytsia Partner Meeting
June 11, 2024Vinnytsia Partner Meeting: Meeting ALDA-CoR-Barcelona-Dijon

WYDE Strategic Steering Committee – 3rd Edition
June 10, 2024The WYDE Strategic Steering Committee – 3rd Edition is supported by the European Network of Political Party Foundations (ENoP)
The WYDE strategic steering committee is held every 6 month

TED Network Annual Meeting 2024
June 6, 2024The Team Europe Democracy (TED) is a global thematic Team Europe Initiative (TEI) launched in December 2021 to promote democracy and human rights worldwide. ALDA is part of the network within Working Group 2.
Antonella Valmorbida, Manal Snidi, and Adrien Licha will attend the TED Annual Meeting in Brussels, to be active with speeches and a stand, particularly within Working Group 2 “citizen engagement”.

Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024
June 6, 2024The Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2024) will bring together leaders from governments, international organisations, business and civil society. It will be co-hosted by Germany and Ukraine in Berlin on 11 and 12 June 2024.

AVGG – Mount Interrotto and Moschiach
June 6, 2024AVGG – Mount Interrotto and Moschiach
Guided excursion to discover Fort Interrotto and the Moschiach military cemeteries.