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The project “CSOs for Making Local Democracy Work” is designed as a set of measures to empower civil society to be credible, accountable and independent stakeholder in the EU accession processes. The three-year project is expected to develop actions to encourage networking and exchange of best practices between civil society organisations and local authorities. It is designed to strength the impact of the civil society organisations in public policies on local level in Macedonia. The activities contribute to the establishment of cooperation between the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Local Authorities (LAs) as well as to the creation of enabling financial environment for small and grass-root organisations.
This project is financially supported by the European Union through the IPA Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2015 – Support to Civil Society Organisations under the Civil Society Facility Action 2015.
The overall goal of the initiative is to strengthen the role of local civil society organisations to effectively contribute to public policy making on local level.
Other objectives are:
- To create conditions for civil society organisations more enabling legal and financial environment on local level;
- To establish and develop sustainable mechanism for partnership building and cooperation between the civil society and the local public authorities;
- To develop local capacities of civil society organisations in order to become relevant stakeholder in civil dialogue and public policy making on local level;
- To encourage best practice exchange, networking and partnership at national, regional and European level.

The project activities are organised in 5 work packages (WPs):
- WP1: Project management, coordination and visibility;
- WP2: Policy making and advocacy (research, forums and advocacy activities)
- WP3: Capacity building (trainings and mentoring)
- WP4: Sub-granting (grants for more than 10 CSOs)
- WP5: Networking and awareness raising (conferences, forums and publications)