In the frame of the “THINK.EU” project, last 7th – 11th May ALDA held a training course in Pula, Croatia, on “Project cycle management”, addressed to around 30 participants, representing CSOs, business community, LAs. The training was aimed to deliver know how on how to develop good quality projects.
Beside technical information on Project Cycle Management, it gave also hints and tips on how to build a winning partnership and on networking and lobbying aspects to support proposals and initiatives.
Getting Croatia ready for EU funding programmes…!
The project THINK.EU has been developed by the Foundation for Partnership and Civil Society Development of Region Istria and founded within the Europe for Citizens Programme. It has as main objective to support Croatian accession to the EU with a strong, deep and sustained dialogue between civil society actors, youth and children and citizens in Istria broadening the knowledge and understanding of the EU and the process of European integration and rising the quality and impartiality of media coverage on issues related to EU membership.