A winning combination of theory and practice for an unbeatable training perfectly fitting to all your needs thanks to ALDA+’s tailor-made approach
The outstanding experience in the development and implementation of EU-funded projects, made us expert trainers able to transfer the knowledge and know-how that have always distinguished ALDA.
Our trainings offer a winning combination of theory and practice, including examples taken from our own experiences: our goal is to improve participants’ skills by providing them with useful tools to use in their everyday life.
ALDA + offers a wide range of trainings:
Standard trainings, ALDA+ most famous courses and workshops to master the world of European fundings, become experts in the development of a project proposal and its administration management
Tailor-made designed to suit specific needs such training on specific EU funding programmes, participatory democracy, European citizenship just to name a few.
Whether you need tailor-made trainings for your specific needs contact us and we will build together your customized training!
Our trainings aren’t only in English, we are able to provide our courses in French, Italian, Spanish, Serbo-Croatian, Macedonian, Russian and Arabic.
Standard trainings

Informative course on EU-funding programmes
Discover the funding sources given by the European Union and get a comprehensive overview on the new programming period 2021- 2027. This course is a must for all organisations and people willing to take advantage of the existing and future funding opportunities, learn how to search for useful information online, and work in a group to develop winning ideas.
EU-project cycle management training
This training will provide all necessary knowledge and tools to develop a successful project in the European Union. Using an interactive approach, participants will learn how to develop a project proposal, identify the most appropriate fund for your idea, find the right partners, follow up on the application procedures, take action and make your project real!

Financial management and audit for EU-funded projects
This training-course is conceived for anyone wishing to learn and/or improve competencies in the elaboration and management of the financial and administrative aspects of a project. Lesson by lesson participants will get acquainted with the European Commission’s financial regulations and get prepared for an audit of the European Commission.
“ALDA+’s course on Project-Cycle Management has been enlightening. I recommend it to all those who work with territorial projects needing funding. Often field workers – myself included – lack information to manage a project from A to Z” – G.
Customised trainings
Not only standard courses. ALDA+ offers a wide range of trainings designed to suit specific needs.
Our customized courses are developed following a tailor-made approach. Content, methods and duration are arranged together with our clients, to reach the perfect combination.
Find a few examples of customised trainings we arranged for our clients, and get inspired!

Capacity building for volUnteers
In the frame of an EVS project focused on disability, we designed a training for volunteers to accompanied them and their tutors in a path of personal and social growth all along this period. Completely based on practical exercises (group or individual) and non-formal education methods, in a first phase, the training consisted in a series of ice-breaking activities, to get the volunteers comfortable with the local context and build the team.

Project management focus migration
This training addressed associations of migrants living in the municipality of Castelfranco Emilia (Italy) who wanted to be trained both on project- cycle management and on EU-funding opportunities dedicated to migration and integration of migrants. This training combined a frontal lecture with group activities, to understand what it means working together to pursue a common goal (with its pros and cons!).

ParticiPatory democracy
Specifically designed for Tunisian women working in local councils and organisations, the training explored the different layers of participatory democracy and the role that each stakeholder plays in the process. The methodologies used were mainly simulations and role games , while energizers played a key role for the success of the training as they triggered positive energy and motivation.

Training on European citizenship
Who is a European citizen? What are her/his rights? What are the values of the European Union? These and many more questions found an answer during a training with many little pupils of primary and secondary schools in Vicenza (Italy). Pupils played an interactive quiz on the EU, they draw their idea of citizens, choose an article of the European Chart of fundamental rights and mimed it for their peers, played a game on solidarity… .and much, much more!