TALE event at the Buk Festival
May 3, 2024A Changemaker event, in the frame of the TALE Project, will take place in cooperation with the Buk Festival.

TALE event: changemaker Alberta Ivaldi
May 3, 2024A private Changemaker event, in the frame of the TALE Project, will take place in cooperation with the Liceo Altiero Spinelli.

TALE event: changemaker Chiara Nasonte (EYE)
May 3, 2024A Changemaker event, in the frame of the TALE Project, will take place in cooperation with the EYE project at UniBo, in its Forlì campus.

TALE event: changemaker Nadia (EYE)
May 3, 2024A Changemaker event, in the frame of the TALE Project, will take place in cooperation with the EYE project at UniBo, in its Forlì campus.

TALE event: changemaker Federica Capitani (EYE)
May 3, 2024A Changemaker event, in the frame of the TALE Project, will take place in cooperation with the EYE project at UniBo, in its Forlì campus.

TALE event: changemaker Federica De Turris (EYE)
May 3, 2024A Changemaker event, in the frame of the TALE Project, will take place in cooperation with the EYE project at UniBo, in its Forlì campus.

TALE event: changemaker Andrea Borraccetti (EYE)
May 3, 2024A Changemaker event, in the frame of the TALE Project, will take place in cooperation with the EYE project at UniBo, in its Forlì campus.

TALE event: changemaker Andrea Borraccetti
May 2, 2024Changemaker event – presentation of local associations, TALE/ALDA’s campaign, panel Europe Direct + TALE World Cafè within the EYW.

European Elections 2024: Information and Insight Pathway – Closing Event
April 30, 2024Closing event – Introduction with clear and up-to-date instructions on how to vote in the European elections 2024 – Roundtable discussion on the issues debated and addressed during the course of the meetings – Group work on the vision of the future of Europe after the next European elections, addressing the main priorities of citizens, which emerged during the first meetings

Addressing young people through the EU Elections 2024
April 30, 2024On 9 May (Europe Day), ALDA will give a presentation of the European Union and the European elections to a group of young people at the Villa Fabris in Thiene. Event to be confirmed.

Final EurHope conference
April 30, 2024Make.org and the Young European Federalists (JEF Europe) are organising a debate on 8 May in Brussels at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) as the final event of the EurHope initiative and JEF’s project ‘Mobilise Europe = Engaging Together’ (MEET)

Symbolic Vote at the European Parliement
April 30, 2024All day on 26 April 2024, ECIT and Voters Without Borders will hold a symbolic vote in Brussels on the esplanade of the European Parliament and Place Fernand Cocq in front of the town hall of Ixelles. There will also be an online version. For the first time in Belgium, 16 year-olds will be able to vote on 9 June.

Quarta Parete film review and debate – Day 2
April 29, 2024The evenings organised by Quarta Parete, university students groups, are taking place in Mestre, Italy. The evenings of 23rd and 30th April will deal with the presentation of why the European Elections are fundamental for all citizens and there will be a short debate on how the culture is influenced by EU Parliament, to raise awareness about the topics that could be tacked through the elections.

Le weekend pour l’Europe
April 24, 2024La coalition L’Europe pour de bon ! vous donne rendez-vous les 26 et 27 avril 2024 à Lyon au Weekend pour l’Europe, un grand événement pour inciter largement au vote et sensibiliser aux enjeux des prochaines élections européennes. Le weekend sera l’occasion de réunir les parties prenantes de la coalition pour des temps de réflexion, de formation et de mobilisation. À un peu plus d’un mois des européennes, nous lançons un grand appel : mobilisons-nous pour ne pas laisser l’Europe disparaître.

Eu elections 2024: Get Involved!
April 24, 2024In collaboration with Centre for European Volunteering, the European Parliament’s Civil Society Outreach Unit brings to organisations in Mundo Madou the latest updates of the Parliament’s #UseYourVote Elections campaign.

TALE event in Lagos
April 19, 2024ALDA, together with the project partners, is organising a series of bottom-up, participatory workshops, events and training, aimed at raising awareness of the importance of the upcoming elections and increasing voter turnout.