BOOST launches to empower Civil Society in the Western Balkans
May 8, 2024On 30th of April 2024 in Tirana, a significant step was taken towards strengthening the capacities of civil society in the Western Balkans with the launch of BOOST: Balkan for Optimising Opportunities, Sustainability and Transformation of Civil Society, funded by Agence Française de Développemnt (AFD).

Shaping Europe’s future: ALDA’s insights from the Union of European Federalists debate
May 2, 2024ALDA recently participated in an interesting and important debate at the Press Club in Brussels (Belgium), hosted by the Union of European Federalists on April 25, 2024.

Launching Conference BOOST: Balkans for Optimising Opportunities, Sustainability and Transformation of Civil Society
April 22, 2024The “BOOST” Project is kicking off with the Launching Conference “Balkans for Optimising Opportunities, Sustainability and Transformation of Civil Society”, taking place in Tirana (Albania) on the 30th April 2024.

YOUTH Taking the lead: a TALE World Cafè in Rome
April 19, 2024In the framework of the European Youth Week, on April 19, 2024, a successful local event of the TALE – TAke the Lead in the European Elections action took place at Re-Work in Rome, Italy.

April 15, 2024Balkans for Optimising Opportunities, Sustainability and Transformation of Civil Society

Real Deal: partecipa all’assemblea deliberativa ASviS, disegniamo le politiche insieme!
March 28, 2024Fino al 29 marzo sono aperte le candidature per la partecipazione all’assemblea deliberativa sulle riforme e sugli investimenti prioritari del governo italiano nell’ambito del Green Deal europeo.

A step forward towards the EU: ALDA celebrates the European Council’s decision to open accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina
March 23, 2024ALDA warmly welcomed the historic decision of the European Council to open accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, which marks a further step on the road of EU integration.

Launching Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) with the European Commission in Brussels
March 19, 2024ALDA is thrilled to announce its recent selection as one of the ten prominent European organisations by the European Commission.

Engaging Young Voices: A Seminar on Youth Involvement in European Democracy
March 18, 2024The project Eye of the Voter aims to explore potential methods that can leverage work that aims to engage first and second time voters in democratic practice and to inspire action among civil society activists interested in democratic participation and the EP elections.

ALDA launches its campaign “Better Europe Together: Local Ideas, European Results” ahead of European Elections 2024
March 6, 2024ALDA launches ‘Better Europe Together: Local Ideas, European Results’ the campaign for the European Elections 2024!

Citizens’ voice: How to get engaged on EU values and policies – Call for Proposals for Organisations
March 5, 2024ALDA, in the context of the Operating Grant of the CERV programme – will support projects and activities of EU-based ALDA Members regarding the 2024 EU elections, EU rights and values and focus on the themes of ALDA’s thematic hubs.

Strengthening democracy by the #EUCivilDialogueNow initiative: a call for a better civil space and dialogue
January 24, 2024We are proud to announce that ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy – signed the open letter #EUCivilDialogueNow from the EESC’s Civil Society Group and Civil Society Europe, calling on the European Institutions to take concrete measures to implement the provisions of the Treaty on European Union for an open, transparent and regular dialogue with civil society in all policy areas.

Road to the European Elections 2024: the future of European democracy is now!
January 18, 2024Nearly 450 million citizens will be called upon to elect the Members of the European Parliament in the upcoming European elections which will be held in the 27 EU Member States from 6 to 9 June 2024. The 2024 elections will represent a solemn moment for European citizens who will be able to shape the future of the EU and strengthen democracy by having the opportunity to express their opinions on the topics they care about.

ALDA Welcomes the European Commission’s recommendation to Grant Candidate Status for Georgia and the Opening of Negotiations with Moldova, Ukraine, and Bosnia and Herzegovina
November 9, 2023The European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA) warmly welcomes the momentous decision taken by the European Commission to recommend the opening of negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, while with the long-anticipated granting of candidate status to Georgia and the initiation of accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina. This historic step greatly enhances the prospects for these States’ deeper integration into the European community, marking a significant milestone in their journeys towards European integration.

ALDA meets the Foreign Affairs and Defence Commission of the Italian Senate: European integration and mutual cooperation
October 16, 2023On October 12, 2023, in the magnificent venue of the Savoia hotel in Rome (Italy), the vice president of ALDA and representative of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Mr. Alessandro Perelli, met the President of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Commission of the Italian Senate, Ms. Stefania Craxi, to discuss the promotion of European values and other issues related to the work of ALDA.

ALDA and the EESC: building a stronger European Union ahead of the EU elections
October 13, 2023The collaboration between ALDA and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) grows stronger!