A call for proposal for Organisations to develop their own projects on EU key policies at the local level. A call for ALDA members to fund local actions up to 20.000 Euro!
ALDA, in the context of the Operating Grant of the CERV programme – will support projects and activities of EU-based ALDA Members regarding the 2024 EU elections, EU rights and values and focus on the themes of ALDA’s thematic hubs.
The call for proposals will fund different organisations developing their own projects at the local level, widening public knowledge, awareness and interest about the EU key policies, values and strategies.
Don’t miss this opportunity to participate – 10/11 projects will be funded!
🔸Who can be a beneficiary?
The call is open to the members of ALDA established in a Member State of the EU, that are a legal entity, private non-profit organisation (private body).
🔸What is the main objective of the call of proposal?
This call seeks to support impactful initiatives that promote a sense of belonging to the European Union in the year of the EU elections. Additionally, the aim is to cultivate a profound sense of “local ownership” and engagement within communities. In particular the thematic focus of the regranted actions should have a clear link to the 2024 EU elections and/or the ALDA’s Thematic Hubs.
Fund your local actions up to 20.000 Euro!
🔸Which is the thematic focus of the Actions?
The thematic focus of the re-granted actions should focus on the key elements listed below:
- EU elections: the EU Elections are one of the key strands of this year. Proposals should focus on initiatives that cultivate a sense of belonging to the EU and a willingness to participate, and that build awareness and understanding for the EU’s role and impact within local communities. The actions funded should aim first to encourage people to be informed and participate in the elections and then also follow up with specific actions after the vote.
- Strengthening Capacity for EU Rights and Values: projects should aim to enhance the capacity of communities and citizens to know and promote EU rights and values. Values of non-discrimination and equality (including gender equality)must be mainstreamed in all funded actions, independently of their specific objective.
- Aligning with ALDA Thematic Hubs: projects must align their actions within the scope of the priorities set by ALDA’s thematic hubs. Proposals should specify the thematic hub(s) under which their action falls and how it contributes to the overarching goals within that theme.

ALDA is structured in seven different Thematic Hubs, which cover multiple topics;
Gender Inclusion & Human Rights HUB
🔸How much is the grant?
The contribution from the sub granting scheme will cover 100% of the total eligible costs of the total budget for the activity. The overall budget amount for this activity sums up to 153.500 Euro.
The grants awarded will be:
- Group 1 – 10.000 – between 2 and 5 projects
- Group 2 – 15.000 – between 2 and 5 projects
- Group 3 – 20.000 – between 2 and 5 projects
🔸Where can the project be implemented?
Activities must take place in the EU.
🔸How to apply?
Read the full call for proposals to have all the information about the call and how to apply! The call will be open until May 5th 2024 at 23:59 CET. Here is the link to send your application.
On March 25th at 9:30 CET ALDA will host a webinar to present the call and to answer some questions related to it. Please make sure to attend, by registering here.
The applicants will receive support by the ALDA team during the proposal writing process. Any questions can be sent to this email address: regranting@aldaintranet.org
📌 Useful material and links:
- Call for Proposal
- Form for sending applications
- Annex I – Budget Proposal
- Annex II – Declaration of Honour
[Call published on 5th March 2024]
Find the slides of the webinar here. The recording of the webinar can be found below.