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While there are numerous advocacy and communication initiatives to enhancing women’s participation into sports, less attention has been paid to designing women friendly urban environments for sports/physical activity, and in particular outdoor sports/physical activity, and to gathering evidence on how to do it. As the EU Council specifies sport can be an effective tool for equal opportunities and social inclusion, but still more women than men lead a sedentary life and face additional barriers to practicing physical activities with respect to men.
Therefore, the proposed project aims first of all at shading light on why and how to design women friendly urban environments for outdoor sports/physical activity through: the drafting of Guidelines on promoting a women friendly urban environment for outdoor sport/physical activity, including also a Roadmap on women friendly urban environment for outdoor sport/physical activity at local level and of and identification of a set of priorities for improving urban places for outdoor sports/physical activity from a gender equality perspective.

To respond to this above priority the specific objectives of the project are to:
- Create a “SW-UP” Community of practice and platform for the project partners and other stakeholders sharing knowledge, problems and practices to promoting a women friendly environment for outdoor sports/physical activity in urban spaces;
- Provide in-depth knowledge on barriers for women to practicing outdoor sports/physical activity, and in particular on those related to the quality of the urban environment, and on good practices of designing women friendly urban environments for outdoor sports and enhancing their participation in such sports/physical activity;
- Increase in women’s awareness and participation in outdoor sports/physical activity and in the design of women friendly urban environments for such sports/physical activity through women targeted Pilot Programmes;
- Define and disseminate Guidelines for promoting women friendly urban environments for outdoor sports/physical activity and for enhancing their participation in outdoor sports/physical activity at European and local level.