Tbilisi hosted, on 29 September 2022, the IDEA International meeting focusing on the upcoming Swedish Presidency of the European Council and the related democratic agenda.
This occasion was the perfect opportunity to discuss with high level representatives, among them H.E. Petr Mikyska, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to Georgia; and H.E. Ulrik Tideström, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sweden to Georgia, several challenges now urging the Union as well as its neighbouring countries.
“How can democracy be fostered in the Eastern European countries”, and “to what extent can Europe support this process” were among the questions posed, symbolising the bulk of the entire event. Hence, the latter was exactly meant to scrutinise and discuss with experts and professionals the current situation of the entire EaP region, from security and defence, to enlargement.
IDEA International: to discuss the scenario in the EaP region and the future of democracy
It comes without saying that, considering the ongoing war in Ukraine, great attention has been given to the possible scenarios that may occur, both in terms of the EU’s external democracy policy, and as a game changer for the entire region.
As stressed by ALDA colleague and EaP, Russia & Central Asia Coordinator, Alexandru Coica, who joined the IDEA Meeting at the afternoon panel: “this invasion generated a shift from slow political integration and democratisation, to a new political mindset of taking fast radical political decisions”.
Hence, in the aftermath of the Russian invasion, different European actors and institutions had to reconsider and re-adjust their measures not only towards the Country, but also towards the related area. ALDA, for example, has been stressing its presence in Ukraine, by becoming an ever more strategic partner, thus designing specific projects and initiatives to support people and civilians.
ALDA will always support positive and meaningful debates, at all institutional levels, especially when it comes to increasing democratic reality and citizens’ participation.