Programme 2012 and development of the LDAs were the main topics of the ALDA Governing Board held in Rome in the representative office of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (18 November 2011).
Mrs. Anna Maria Menosso, Vicepresident of FVG Region, attended the meeting bringing the greetings of the Administration to the participants.
She stressed, among the many initiatives of the network of ALDA involving her Region, the support for women of Montenegro (Friuli Venezia Giulia is the lead partner of the LDA Montenegro) through the revival of the ancient practice of lace in collaboration with the School in Gorizia.
Attended the meeting also the Honorary President of ALDA, Mr. Gianfranco Martini and Mr. Alessandro Perelli, representative of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia.
The Governing Board discussed the proposal of programme for 2012 and the expected budget,
and the development of the LDAs, in particular the development of partnership, the follow up of the meeting in Sisak (3rd to 4th of November 2001), about situation in Croatia, cofunding issue for the LDAs, opening of the LDA in Armenia and further process for Azerbaijan.
The members of the Governing Board discussed also the preparation of the ALDA General Assembly 2012, that will take place in Trieste.

Programme 2012 and development of the LDAs in the agenda of the Governing Board of ALDA
Nov 22, 2011
Good governance