GTTO – Get The Trolls Out
July 12, 2024Undivided Action on Divisive Speech
Never Again Association
July 10, 2024
June 14, 2024The European Platform of Integrating Communities

May 22, 2024Hampering hate speech and disinformation through AI-based technologies to prevent and combat polarisation and the spread of racist, xenophobic, and intolerant speech and conspiracy theories

February 13, 2024Environmental monitoRIng through Civic engAgement

The Eye of The Voter
February 9, 2024AT A GLANCE Within the project “The eye of the voter”, 30 volunteer election observers …

January 23, 2024Knowledge hub to leverage existing initiatives and projects to foster the adoption for Circular economy in Cities and Regions in Europe.

The CLIMentines
January 22, 2024Empowered youth for climate action

January 18, 2024Empowering the future of energy transition, POWERYOUTH engages young minds in sustainable practices. Our participatory approach fosters dialogue between youth and stakeholders, supported by innovative tools.

Our Digital Village (ODV)
October 25, 2023The project aims to involve rural communities and political actors in a bottom-up participation approach.
October 25, 2023
Food Wave
September 13, 2023Sustainable food production and consumption

September 13, 2023European Platform of Integrating Cities

September 12, 2023Inclusion of people with fewer opportunities in democratic processes

EU24- Engage for the Planet
September 11, 2023Gender balance and participation of young citizens