The CLIMentines
January 22, 2024Empowered youth for climate action

January 18, 2024Empowering the future of energy transition, POWERYOUTH engages young minds in sustainable practices. Our participatory approach fosters dialogue between youth and stakeholders, supported by innovative tools.

January 18, 2024SINCRONY empowers marginalised youth to shape European politics by providing tools and solutions for policymakers, educators, and youth organisations.

Our Digital Village (ODV)
October 25, 2023The project aims to involve rural communities and political actors in a bottom-up participation approach.
Die Berater
October 25, 2023
September 15, 2023Distortion of information and false narratives

September 14, 2023Preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of local communities in the Alpine area

Green Skills for Cities
September 12, 2023Development of sustainable skills and NBS implementation in cities

TALE – TAke the Lead in the EU Elections
September 11, 2023Electoral participation and active involvement
The International Society For Professional Innovation Management Ltd (ISPIM)
September 7, 2023
CIRAN – CrItical RAw materials extraction in enviroNmentally protected areas
September 6, 2023Increasing socio-economic resilience through a sustainable approach