ALDA will take part in the Regional conference for North Africa organised by the EC-UN Joint Initiative on Migration and Development on 27 and 28 March 2012 in Tunis.
ALDA will present its experience in its project Capitalise Migrant Capacities with the main objective to maximise the development impact of migration by addressing the problem of brain waste and de-skilling of prospective migrants and returnees in order to transform it in brain gain.
The project has been conceived also in order to strengthen the links and the dialogue among Algerian migrants in Italy and France and migrant associations and local authorities in Algeria in the field of migration issues. The project has achieved these goals by providing coherent pre-departure orientation, by encouraging highly skilled Algerian emigrants in France and Italy to contribute to the socio-economic development of Algeria and by facilitating the professional reintegration of returnees and prospective migrants.

Migration and development: ALDA at the regional conference EC-UN for North Africa
Mar 27, 2012
Good governance Linked project:Capitalise on migrant capacities in Algeria