ALDA and the Croatian LDAs, in the context of the EU referendum, encourage all the citizens in Croatia to take an active role and vote, thus bringing Croatia closer to the European Union than ever before.
The Local Democracy Agencies in Osijek, Sisak and Brtonigla, the Association of Local Democracy Agencies with its seat in Strasbourg, France and the other LDAs in the Western Balkans, give a public statement.
“We understand – is written in the statement- and experience the process of the European integration as a process of affirmation of positive social values, civic freedoms and rule of law. The European perspective has opened to Croatian society an opportunity for creating new policies introducing higher standards in many fields of social and economic life. By involving citizens, local and regional authorities our organisation and network members in Southeast Europe have for a long time supported and advocated European values and standards.
Long standing experience of our organisations in Croatian local communities has taught us that in the last years support by EU institutions has been the key element for accomplishing the social and economic reforms and equitable change.
Being fully aware of many challenges that Croatia is facing in this moment of the accession to EU, we consider that this is a step in support to both continuing and to the future process of democratic stability, strengthening of institutions, balanced regional development, fair social policy and economic development.
We consider that it is important to develop a participatory democratic culture and active citizenship and we strongly support citizens’ participation in decision making. With this in view we encourage all the citizens in Croatia to take an active role and vote, thus bringing Croatia closer to the European Union than ever before”.
ALDA, the Croatian Local Democracy Agencies Osijek, Sisak, Brtoniglia, and the Local Democracy Agencies Prijedor, Zavidovici, Mostar, Niksic, Subotica, Nis, Peja, Shkodra have signed the statement.