On September 1st and 2nd, ALDA participated in the 41st National Seminar of Ventotene, a 5-day long event which took place, from August 28th until September 2nd 2022, in the Centro Polivalente “Terracini”, located in the island of Ventotene.
Titled “Federalism in Europe and in the world: from the Monetary Union to the United States of Europe”, the National Seminar was organised by the Institute of Federalist Studies “Altiero Spinelli” in collaboration with the Municipality of Ventotene and with the contribution of the Lazio region. It was carried out contemporary to the 38th International Seminar of Ventotene, which took place in the same location.
ALDA participated in the conclusive session of the National Seminar, which mainly focused on the just ended Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) and on its next steps. Along with Stefano Castagnoli, President of the European Federalist Movement, Alessandro Capriccioli, President of the Commission of European Affairs and of the regional Council of Lazio region and several other speakers, Giulia Albertoni, Cofunding Manager at ALDA, presented to the participants the Association and its role within the CoFoE and into the Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe (CSOCoFoE).
ALDA, together with the European Federalist Movement, was in Ventotene to build the Europe of the future
“We need to reduce the gap between the citizens and the institutions, because citizens participation is on decline. We cannot talk about the European citizens without involving them, we need to develop a bottom-up approach to increase their participation. This is what the revolutionary experiment of the CoFoE was about, and this is what ALDA strongly believes in”.
With these words, Giulia Albertoni presented to the participants the multiple activities that ALDA implemented within the framework of the CoFoE and the important role that the Association undertook in the CSOCoFoE, where ALDA Secretary General Ms. Antonella Valmordida, coordinated the democracy cluster.
The end of the seminar was characterized by a reflection on the following steps to take and on the creation of a “participative European democracy”, as defined by Stefano Castagnoli.
With the sentence “We are not dreamers” printed on the back of their shirts, more than 90 young people belonging to Youth European Federalist (JEF), coming from all Italy, actively participated to the seminar and listened to these emotional speeches and inspirational words on the construction of a free, united and federalist Europe, in a place where, more than 80 years ago a revolutionary document on a Free and United Europe was discussed.