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FACE is based on the awareness that cyberbullying is an increasing and underestimated phenomenon amongst teens and children, further compounded by the lack of knowledge and tools to fight it back.
The project addresses the increasing phenomenon of cyberbullying amongst teens and children and the lack of knowledge and tools on how to handle it. The project is conceived to develop guidelines, materials, networks, and innovative methodologies combining multidisciplinary artistic approaches. The project will involve the following different target groups: youth workers that will act as multipliers, students, parents, local authorities and other stakeholders.

- Develop a new methodology and pedagogy to prevent cyberbullying, based on innovative artistic practices such as drama practice, filmmaking, visual and street arts;
- Design an online platform to share materials, experiences and contacts of people working in the field of prevention of cyberbullying;
- Foster autonomy, active citizenship, self-confidence, sense of community and critical thinking amongst teens and children;
- Provide parents with knowledge and tools to promote the good use of social media amongst children;
- Develop recommendations to tackle cyberbullying issues addressed to local authorities and other stakeholders.
Check the official website: www.face.oonion.eu