Join the building revolution: co-create the future of energy-efficient cities!
The co-creation sessions are designed to engage users and stakeholders like yourself in the development process of technical use cases for the project BUILDSPACE. These sessions will facilitate the definition of relevant data and scenarios, including data sources, and allow for the refinement of services’ implementation.
In this second session, we will present the project’s progress and services workflow, and seek for valuable input from you on the final components of the services and their integration with each pilot project before their implementation.
We believe that your valuable input will be crucial in shaping the platform services and identifying potential opportunities.
📆 November 24, 2023
Please register to attend: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEvak8O5M5FBX-woiw7zKKSVQkh-_m4N_-O9fagjzxzwHl-w/viewform