In march 2023 the project Climate of Change is going to deliver to the European Commission a petition that asks for immediate political actions for Climate Justice. The claims were not only shared at COP27 in Egypt this year; but received the support of more than 100 ‘000 young people around all Europe. This is a clear sign that a growing community of young people shares rising concern about climate change’s effects on world societies.
This great achievement was only possible thanks to a wide network of collaborations and partners but yet another important piece of the puzzle has been constituted by the project subgrantee’s activities.
To those who might not know, the actions of Climate of Change project (financed by the DEAR programme) foresee a funding package dedicated to young associations working on a local base on themes related to Climate Change and migration. As one of the partners, ALDA itself is now looking forward to collaborating with youth associations both in France and in Belgium. Precisely, at the moment the Association is looking forward to hirings a good number of new partners to finance and work with for furthering local action for climate justice.
So far ALDA has developed partnerships with 3 fantastic youth associations that work on environmental issues and migration: 1) Youth ID, 2) Wakamoun and 3) StandUp4Europe. Together with these 3 young realities ALDA has been working together on knowledge dissemination actions and by promoting the petition, let’s have a look together at some of the activities carried out in collaboration!
A growing community of young people shares rising concern about climate change’s effects on world societies
- Youth ID
Thursday 28th October our CoC ALDA’s team joined Youth ID on occasion of the Erasmus week in Paris. It was a great opportunity to meet more than 40 young engaged people from 10 different countries. There was the chance to fruitfully talk and discuss the theme of climate justice. In particular, by disseminating knowledge about the negative relation between climate change and gender inequality growth. Claims were supported in light of the results of the research produced by the University of Bologna on Global South countries as a part of the broader CoC project. We highlighted data that show how the loss produced by natural disasters directly affects the more vulnerable populations, elderly, women – especially indigenous women – children and particularly those who live in poor rural areas and that six out of ten migrating women are raped during their journey, and girls traveling alone and LGBTQI+ are at highrisk of trafficking in persons (Hernández Bonilla and Morales Orellana 2020).
The discussion was carried out lively and there was a great response from the public, with YouthID After hearing about our project and its evidences a very lively dis
- Wakamoun
The solidarity association Wakamoun helped us collect signatures for our petition by involving young people that are engaged in defending the environment. The association also furthered their commitment to make as many people as possible sign the petition, by launching small challenges on climate themes with the app MaPetitePlanète. Eventually, the association went to Madagascar to report the impacts of climate there and how it has worsened the living conditions in the country. Following their trip they are promoting their work in different ways in the french city of Mulhouse, by proposing different events and exhibitions on Climate Of Change issues there.
- Stand Up For Europe
Finally in Brussels, the association Stand Up For Europe organized an event the 26th of October 2022 to discuss #ClimateOfChange action. This was a fruitful occasion to further civic engagement to fight for Climate Justice, and it was possible to meet and hear the voice of many different experts invited by the association. Vivian Dorizas, Project Manager at Buildings Performance Institute Europe, was one of the main speakers at the event and discussed the importance of advanced technologies to tackle climate change in the construction sector. More precisely, her presentation “Toward Decarbonization of the EU Building Stock” focused on several concepts : community, artificial intelligence, digital technologies and circular economy.
These and many others are the possible activities that can be carried to disseminate Climate of Change issues as one of our subgrantee. If you are a youth association working on Climate and Migration issues in Belgium and France don’t hesitate to apply as soon as possible to our new call!
Actions can be financed for 70% of the total budget
Deadline: 8 december 2022
Click here for more information