In the period 9th – 13th July 2012 in the hotel Gligorov- Strumica (MK), Coalition of Youth organizations SEGA (MK) and European House from Caen (FR) are organising a joint seminar on the theme “New approaches for Youth employment” and “Inter–Municipal collaboration for encouraging social cohesion among Youth”. The representatives from the institutions working on support of youth employment in Macedonia and in Lower Normandy as well as representatives from national and local institutions from Macedonia and the Lower Normandy Region will participate on this joint event.
The aim is to affect the improvement of the social cohesion of the young people through institutional cooperation at local and national level and to discuss the current economic situation of the young people in Republic of Macedonia and in the Region Lower Normandy same as to exchange experiences for innovative approaches for salvation of the problem with youth unemployment. The seminar is offering possibility for exchange of good practices and experiences between the participants from Macedonia and the Lower Normandy Region.
This activity is part of the component: Youth, Local and European Citizenship within the Project for decentralised cooperation between Republic of Macedonia and the region of Lower Normandy – France, managed by ALDA, implemented by the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA – Macedonia and the European House of Caen – France.

Encouraging social cohesion among youth and new approaches for youth employment
Jul 10, 2012
Good governance