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The project aims to strengthen the integration of students with migrant background in schools, prevent early school leaving and improve their success in education by providing training, coaching and guidance to teachers. Through the project, school leaders and educators will be equipped with the necessary skills and innovative tools to support secondary students in the process, strengthening collaboration between schools, families, and other external stakeholders. To this end, an open online course (OOC) for middle and secondary school teachers will be developed throughout the project, as well as a teacher community (OEC) in order to share good practices.

- Develop the professional competencies of teachers in dealing with migrant and refugee learners and diversity in classrooms
- Support schools to facilitate inclusion and success of newly arrived migrant and refugee students, thus contributing to the tackling of early school leaving (ESL)
- Support and enhance the performance of newly-arrived migrant and refugee students in secondary schools
- Strengthen collaboration among all members of the school community (school leaders, teachers and non-teaching staff, learners, parents/families)