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The general objective of the Project is to identify and exchange good practices regarding the policies and actions in the sector of personal and household services as a way to define a Policies and Actions Proposal to encourage the efficiency of these services and to contribute through the creation of new jobs to the objectives of European 2020 Strategy. The good practices identified will deal specially with productivity gains, the introduction of new technologies and the development of new work organisations. The project will define a Policies and Actions Proposal to be carried out by governments in order to improve the efficiency of the PHS Sector. The results of the research and analysis will be gathered in the publication PHS Research and Proposals Guide.

- identify and exchange Good Practices regarding the policies and actions in the sector of Personal and Household Services
- encourage new forms of collaboration through partnerships between public and private actors in the labour market
- identify relevant actor working in the field of PHS to involve in the project
- create a partnership that includes public actors, non-profit organisations, private employment services and SMEs
- identity effective implementation measures, good practices and innovative approaches of policies and actions
- design a Good Practices Guide to be used by policy makers, experts and stakeholders
- design a PHS Research and Proposals Guide to be adopted to promote efficiency in the PHS sector
- transfer the results at European level, through formal and informal national and international networks.