ALDA will attend the European Development Days (EDD) in Warsaw (Poland) on the 15-16 December 2011. EDD is Europe’s premier forum on international affairs and development cooperation and it is organised by the European Commission and the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The event represents an important platform to discuss topics concerning development. For more information please visit
ALDA has been monitoring the EC policy on development during the last couple of years and has been involved as well in important European events and consultations concerning this topic. Furthermore, ALDA has been granted by the EC for the implementation of one of the three European projects selected in 2010 under Objective III of the NSA & LA Programme. The project in hand is WTD – Working Together for Development. It is a multi-annual development project designed by ALDA in cooperation with 21 international partners and associates coming from 16 different countries of the enlarged Europe. Main actors of the project are Local Authorities and Non State Actors. It aims at supporting these actors, in order to ensure their ownership of the development strategies and to favour their full involvement in the policy making process, enhancing their capacities to act as development agents in and outside Europe. The attendance of the EDD fits in this process of advocating the EU institutions to fully recognise the role of Local actors in the development processes.
For more information please contact Mr. Alfonso Aliberti, Project Manager of ALDA.