The ACHIEVE – Awareness of Common History for Identifying and Extending the Values of Europe – project had its 3rd International event from 5 to 7 December in Peja, Kosovo*.
The event was held in hybrid mode, so in person and online, allowing each partner to join the meeting. With great enthusiasm, the event began with the opening speech of Francesco Faresin, Municipality of Breganze, who welcomed partners’ representatives while providing not only an overview of the project, but also giving fruitful and valuable food for thought.
Following Mr. Faresin’s speech, partners shared the results on the local path done in each country on European issues. The latter were also at the centre of the two workshops organised for this event.
ACHIEVE: talks and dialogues are essential when it comes to find a common ground
“What is European identity?” “What characterise each of us identity?” Those questions were at the basis of the first interactive workshop lead by Gideon Hoogvliet; ESC volunteer. Similarly, Elion Kollcaku, journalist and researcher, shared an interesting point of view on the different ways with which, also from an academic perspective, it is possible to tackle the topic of “Euroscepticism” its causes and counter narratives, while focusing on the Balkan stand point as well.
In addition, this meeting allowed participants to find out more about local habits, culture and historical heritage. Talks and dialogues are essential when it comes to find a common ground, and build common initiatives working for the same goals.
Last but not least, a note of thanks to the Municipality of Peja, who organized the event, and all the partners that joined, making the meeting fruitful and useful!