LDAs and ALDA welcome Serbia-Kosovo agreement and Serbia’s candidate status for EU membership
March 2, 2012French delegation from the municipality of Saint-James, from the Lower Normandy Region was on three-day visit in Kruševo, Republic of Macedonia in order to establish an international cooperation between both municipalities.

“Find the way through the enlargement labyrinth”. Launch meeting of a PRINCE Programme project
February 17, 2012The kick –off meeting (qui link al pdf: ) of a newly launched project supported by PRINCE, Programme of the European Commission – DG Enlargement, will be held in Budapest, 17/18 February.

Intact project: student meeting on European values, active citizenship and twinnings in Brindisi (IT)
December 17, 2011As a part of the INTACT project, funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union, has been realised in Brindisi (Italy) an event for students of secondary schools.

Municipality of Medijana and LDA Nis: Together Toward EU
July 13, 2011Municipality of Medijana, central and biggest municipality in the City of Nis, started the process of developing a ten-year Local Sustainable Development Strategy, 2011 – 2021.

Photo exhibition “Strong Words”, to promote European values
June 25, 2011LDA CSS, Center for Civil Resources Development and Media Research Centre Nis in cooperation with the Office for European Affairs of the City of Nis and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) began with preparation of the exhibition entitled “Strong Words” in May 2011.

EU Commission proposes to strengthen the relationship with the European Neigbourhood
June 14, 2011On May 26 the European Commission published its communication “A new response to a changing Neighbourhood”. The communication comes partly as a follow up to the crucial changes in Europe’s Southern Neighbourhood.

The European Parliament opened its doors: ALDA was there!
May 9, 2011Traditionally, the Open Days of the European Parliament are held on the second Sunday of May. This year, more than 17.000 people visited the building Louise Weiss also known as the new building of the European Parliament.

In memories & conflict elaboration, a documentary “Public history as private history”. March – May, 2011
May 2, 2011With the aim of improving relationships and cohabitation among communities, a documentary with interviews of around 100 people of all ages from the region has been produced.

The EU supports the democratisation of the Southern Mediterranean countries but doesn’t leave East countries apart
March 14, 2011Support and solidarity with citizens of southern Mediterranean Countries is proclaimed unanimously by the Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership in a letter to the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Union, Baroness Catherine Margaret Ashton.

The South East Europe Local Governments ask the EU to be involved in a realistic roadmap of integration
March 14, 2011In a declaration signed on the 10th of March, mayors and elected representatives of the local and regional governments of south-east Europe ask the EU to include the local government dimension in its strategic and operational planning for EU enlargement.

Black Sea Regional Policy Conference in Batumi, Adjara, Georgia
March 9, 2011On April 5th and 6th, 2011 the Association of European Regions (AER) will hold its Second Black Sea Regional Policy Conference in Batumi, Adjara, Georgia.

Announced legal action to recover loans from European associations Asael’s partners in many projects – EC investigates
March 9, 2011The members of the Governing Board of Asael, the Association of municipalities of Aragon Region that was dissolved in late 2009 swept away by a scandal, former President Jesus Alone in the head, will be liable personally for debts left.

“The Western Balkans’ European perspective: the contribution of local and regional authorities” – AFCCRE Conference in Paris
February 20, 2011A clear definition and extension of the competences of local authorities, appropriate local and regional financial means and autonomy, improvement of governance through increased transparence and participation and strengthening of capacities for public services.

“The Western Balkans’ European perspective: the contribution of local and regional authorities” – AFCCRE Conference in Paris
February 16, 2011On 18th and 19th February, a conference on the European perspective of the Western Balkans and the contribution of local and regional authorities will take place in Paris.

Antonella Valmorbida co chair of the Civil Society Forum for EaP
February 3, 2011The balance co-chairmanship was approved by the Steering Committee to share the burden and responsibilities and also corresponding to the organisational scheme of the Steering Committee.

From Lisbon Treaty more voice to citizens in Europe
February 2, 2011A more democratic and transparent Europe, strengthening the role of the EU and national Parliaments, and giving the people more opportunities to make their voices heard. These are the most expected aspects of the Lisbon Treaty realisation.