Extra-C Mobility Activity
July 8, 2024From the 24th to 26th September a Mobility Activity is taking place within the project’s framework: the aim is toto share the knowledge acquired during previous training courses.
This will include meetings with participants from other countries, as well as visits to and learning about the European institutions.
Celebrazioni del 40° anniversario del Concorso “Diventiamo Cittadini Europei”
June 20, 2024evento è avviato dalla Provincia di Verona con il Movimento Federalista Europeo. Andrea Rilievo, parte del Governing Board di ALDA, parteciperà.
Armonie di Speranza per l’Ucraina
April 19, 2024Armonie di Speranza per l’Ucraina
Incontro con Pier Virgilio Dastoli
April 19, 2024Incontro con Pier Virgilio Dastoli, autore di “A che ci serve l’Europa?”. Dialoga con l’autore Antonella Valmorbida, Segretario Generale di ALDA.
Sabato 18 Maggio, h 11.00 presso Libreria Galla 1880, Corso Palladio 11, a Vicenza.
INCLUDATE Learning Training and Teaching Activity
April 5, 2024The main objective of this training is to Learning & Teaching Activities, with also a couple study visits.
2030 Youth Exchange
February 29, 2024A full week of Youth Exchange – 6 days, each one has been programmed with workshops, exchange, debate, team building, cultural and leisure activities for the youngsters. Yougsters and young professionals are invited from the 4 pilot areas of the project: Lousada (portugal), Rome (Italy), Catadau (Spain), and Novo Mesto (Slovenia).
Medium Project Training of Trainers
February 29, 2024Training of Trainers within the Medium Project, about immersive technologies and the metaverse. The topic will be: participatory strategies.
HILL: Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale
January 25, 2024HILL: Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale. Quarta Lezione: LE COMPONENTI AMBIENTALI: ANALISI ED INDICATORI
HILL: Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale
January 25, 2024HILL: Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale. Terza Lezione: CENNI SUGLI STRUMENTI DI PIANIFICAZIONE AMBIENTALE E TERRITORIALE
HILL: Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale
January 25, 2024HILL: Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale. Seconda lezione: IL PROCEDIMENTO DI VIA: MATRICI, CRITICITÀ E POTENZIALITÀ
Extra-C Training of Trainers
January 25, 2024Extraordinary Citizens (Extra-C) is a project that aims to raise awareness and improve inclusive participatory democracy by promoting the active participation of young people with intellectual, psychosocial and developmental disabilities in the democratic life of their environment and at a EU Level. From the 23rd to 26th Janaury a Training of Trainers is taking place in Porto, within the project’s framework.
10th European Summit of Regions and Cities
January 16, 202410th European Summit of Regions and Cities is taking place on 18 & 19 March 2024, and ALDA will take part, also through the presence of a stand.
Inequalities Matter – Study Visit to Oberhausen
January 16, 2024The Municipality of Oberhausen has a department for environment, climate and resource protection and an office for interculture that work very well together and are committed to bringing people and environmentally relevant issues together.
January 16, 2024The main objective of this training is to introduce and test the INCLUDATE curriculum, a European project involving seven organisations. Through mutual learning, INCLUDATE is structured in such a way that migration organisations can actively participate in inclusion and diversity strategies adapted to their specific contexts at each stage of the process, ultimately promoting inclusive communities across Europe.
ReCAP Final Conference
January 5, 2024Final Conference of the ReCAP Project: Focus on youth empowerment through arts and culture.
HILL: Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale
January 5, 2024HILL: Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale. Sesta lezione con analisi sistematica: LA COMPONENTE SOCIO – ECONOMICA