LIFE Metro Adapt project wins the Life Award for Climate Action. Discover how ALDA contributed to its implementation!
June 15, 2023In a resounding victory for Climate Action, the LIFE Metro Adapt project led by the Metropolitan City of Milan has emerged as the winner of the prestigious LIFE Awards 2023. This remarkable achievement was made possible by the combined efforts of several key stakeholders, including e-Geos, Ambiente Italia, Legambiente Lombardia, Gruppo CAP and ALDA.
In Brussels for the SHERPA Final Conference: a co-creative participatory approach for the future of rural areas
June 15, 2023On 1 & 2 June 2023, the SHERPA Final Conference took place in Brussels (Belgium), at the premises of the Committee of the Regions.
Promoting Active Mobility in Tunisia and Beyond: The AUTREMENT Project’s Inter Regional Forum spins its wheels!
June 15, 2023The AUTREMENT project’s Inter-Regional Forum on Active Mobility, held on May 24-25 2023 in the beautiful city of Mahdia, was a resounding success, showcasing the celebration of sustainable urban development and the promotion of active mobility in Tunisia and beyond.
ALDA’s Environment & Climate HUB brought two members to Nicosia with the Grey4Green Project!
June 15, 2023At the beginning of May, ALDA’s Environment & Climate (E&C) Hub Team traveled to Nicosia (Cyprus) to participate in a week-long training course on Active Ageing and Nature Conservation, as part of the Grey4Green Erasmus+ project, that aims to eliminate the social exclusion experienced by the Elderly while at the same time joining the fight for sustainability and climate change.
Respond Locally to Global Issues – Call for proposals for local actions on Sustainability: results are out!
May 24, 2023“Respond Locally to Global Issues” call for proposals: results are out!
Food Wave Call for Proposals – Third Round
May 16, 2023Are you a Local Authority, Youth Civil Society Organisation or Association who is sensitive to sustainable food production and consumption patterns and wants to work with young people? You have a chance to get your activity funded by the Food Wave Project!
Final Conference of #ClimateofChange: together to discuss Social and Climate Justice
May 10, 2023As a fulfillment of three years of activities, the last conference of the DEAR project Climate Of Change kicked off on March 27, 2023. The event entitled Change Talks: Civil Society Dialogues on Social and Climate Justice, brought together academics, policymakers, grassroots activists from the Global South and youth representatives to discuss the great human and social challenges posed by the climate crisis.
LIFE METRO ADAPT shortlisted for the LIFE Awards 2023!
May 8, 2023LIFE METRO ADAPT is a European project, funded by the LIFE programme, which lasted from September 2018 to September 2021. It involved the Metropolitan City of Milan (CMM), the CAP Group, e-Geos, Ambiente Italia, ALDA- European Association for Local Democracy and Legambiente Lombardia.
Debating for a better future: #ClimateofChange youth activities in France
May 5, 2023As citizens and decision makers of tomorrow, ALDA works tirelessly to empower younger generations and amplify their voice on societal utmost topics, such as climate change and social inequality. As a matter of fact, aiming at reinforcing this action, ALDA promoted a debate workshop at the Liceé Fresnel in France, which took place on 27 & 28 February 2023.
The 2nd call for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master CCD-STeDe is now open!
April 4, 2023The second call of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master on Climate Change and Diversity: Sustainable Territorial Development (CCD-STeDe) is now open!
Climate of Change calls for proposals. Focuses: France and Belgium
March 29, 2023Are you a Belgian or French youth association who is sensitive to raising awareness on climate change and the links with migration? Join the call!
The IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report: Action now on climate change can ensure a liveable future for all
March 28, 2023On March 20, 2023, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the Synthesis Report of its Sixth Global Assessment.
World Water Day: ALDA’s engagement in water resources protection
March 21, 2023ALDA commits to the preservation of the environment, and its water assets, by advocating for a more sustainable and conscious use of natural mainly through two EU-funded projects.resources.
Safeguarding Water: students in Italy and North Macedonia to become the experts of tomorrow
March 14, 2023After a preliminary phase to identify the schools and the students to be involved in the Water’s Experts project, the training activities started in Italy and North Macedonia to enhance students’ scientific knowledge and technical skills in the field of water resources management.
H.I.L.L.: a project to revitalise and protect the natural heritage of Monte di Malo
March 2, 2023On 30 November 2022, the Kick-off meeting of the “H.I.L.L.- Habitat in Living Landscape” project was held in the Municipality of Monte di Malo.
The project will last three years and it aims to protect the natural territory of Monte di Malo, focusing on two sites considered Special Areas of Conservation (SACs): “Buso della Rana” and “Le Poscole”.