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Anna Ditta

Anna works for ALDA since 2011. In the Programmes and Development Unit, she is responsible …

Anna works for ALDA since 2011. In the Programmes and Development Unit, she is responsible for developing projects funded by EU, CoE, UN and other public and private donors, in the promotion of: democracy, human rights, social inclusion, active citizenship, youth, good local governance and decentralized cooperation. This involves: partner search, project and budget drafting, administrative documents collection, and coordination with partners and stakeholders. She also is in charge of developing, managing and delivering training courses addressed to local authorities and civil society organisations on: i) Project Cycle Management; ii) European Funds and Programmes; iii) Methods for mobilising and engaging citizens in their community life. She also delivers training at school (from primary to high school) about EU and its values, participatory democracy methods for CSOs and LAs, facilitation and coaching to improve NGOs’ internal governance. The methodology employed involves the typical tools of the non-formal education (interactive lessons, group dynamics, i.e. world café, Open Space Technology, etc.).

Main training references: Council of Euroope Code of Good practice for civil participation in the decision making process, Tool for citizens by Bosh Alumni Network, Kettering Foundation democratic practices.

Areas of work: EU, Western Balkans, South Caucasus, North Africa. She is responsible of the development of the projects targeting Middle East and Africa area and addressing topics of decentralisation, local democracy, women economic and social empowerment.