Platoniq Foundation
February 15, 2024Description Platoniq Foundation is a Spanish organisation that promotes transparency, collaborative and ethical economy, democratic …

Vicenza Municipality
February 15, 2024Description Vicenza is an Italian municipality located in the north-east of the country, in the …

Volunteer Service Centre of the province of Vicenza (CSV Vicenza)
February 15, 2024Description The CSV of Vicenza is the the Volunteer Service Centre of the province of …

February 13, 2024Environmental monitoRIng through Civic engAgement

The Eye of The Voter
February 9, 2024AT A GLANCE Within the project “The eye of the voter”, 30 volunteer election observers …

January 23, 2024Empower young women to drive change in their communities, by providing them with a supportive intercultural, inclusive, and sustainable learning environment.

January 23, 2024Knowledge hub to leverage existing initiatives and projects to foster the adoption for Circular economy in Cities and Regions in Europe.

January 23, 2024Social PostCovid19 Urban Revitalisation

The CLIMentines
January 22, 2024Empowered youth for climate action

January 18, 2024SINCRONY empowers marginalised youth to shape European politics by providing tools and solutions for policymakers, educators, and youth organisations.

CID – Circular Design for bio-based innovation towards climate-neutral cities
January 4, 2024A new vision of urban design, architecture, bio-innovation and climate neutrality.
A.R.C.E.S Association
January 4, 2024National Research Council
January 4, 2024
“Apriti, Parco!” Un incontro per definire il futuro del Parco della Pace a Vicenza
December 14, 2023Il prossimo sabato 16 dicembre 2023, un evento straordinario prenderà vita a Vicenza (Italia): “Apriti, Parco!”, una giornata dedicata all’approfondimento sulla futura identità del Parco della Pace e sui possibili modelli di gestione.

Association for Subsidiarity and Modernisation of Local Authorities (ASMEL)
November 27, 2023Description ASMEL è l’Associazione per la Sussidiarietà e la Modernizzazione degli Enti Locali con sede …
Social Cooperative Adelante ONLUS
November 14, 2023Description La Cooperativa Sociale Adelante ONLUS nasce nel 2002 a Bassano del Grappa. Essa si …