We have reached the end of two intense weeks that were filled with events organized by the LIFE Metro Adapt project – funded by the LIFE program of the European Union. Metro Adapt was part of the initiatives related to Pre-Cop26 in Milan, the preparatory event for the 26th UN Climate Summit in Glasgow and All4 Climate, which brings together all the events dedicated to the fight against climate change.
Starting on September 21st, in the morning, the International Workshop “Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in European Metropolises” took place online and in English. The workshop was addressed to both national and international, local and regional authorities and, specifically, to European metropolitan areas, with the aim of creating a space for dialogue and exchange of good practices of adaptation to climate change in urban areas. Furthermore, it included a satellite event of the Covenant of Mayors 2021 Ceremony, which was an opportunity to bring attention to various experiences in different territories, united in the challenge of climate change adaptation.
The day continued in the late morning with the exchange meeting with the Climate Knowledge Network at the Spirit de Milan (MI). The aim of this interesting meeting was to share the Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) monitoring tool created by the Metro Adapt LIFE Project and to encourage the creation of synergies among participants. The meeting was very fruitful and saw professionals and technical experts in climate sharing their ideas and experiences related to the project in the metropolitan area.
In addition, besides LIFE Metro Adapt partners, the table was attended by local authorities:
- City of Milan;
- Meteorological Observatory Milan Cathedral;
- Lombardy Foundation for the Environment;
- Italian Society of Landscape Ecology (SIEP-IALE);
- ERSAF (Regional Agency for Services to Agriculture and Forestry);
- Polytechnic of Milan and
- IUAV University of Venice.
“We are very proud indeed of the fact that the Life Metro Adapt project has always worked hand in hand with the Climate Knowledge Network, confirming how much Milan’s territorial system is able to identify climatological problems and implement multi-objective adaptation measures” explains Cinzia Davoli
The meetings will be held at the Palazzo Festari, in Corso Italia 63 in Valdagno (VI). In order to participate it is necessary to register on the online form, briefly describing the project idea that would be developed during the workshop.
Participants must demonstrate proof of vaccination or a negative covid test done within the previous 48 hours.
FIRST MEETING MON 25 OCTOBER h. 9:00 – 12:00
- Context
- What is crowdfunding
- Facts and figures on crowdfunding in Italy
- Co-design, CSR and Open Innovation
SECOND MEETING TUE 26 October h. 9:00 – 12:00
- How to communicate a crowdfunding campaign
- How to plan the communication
- How to support your crowdfunding campaign
- How to upload a project
THIRD MEETING WED 27 October h. 9:00 – 12:00
- Practical workshop, let’s work on your projects!
Angelo Rindone
Considered one of the pioneers of Italian crowdfunding, he founded Produzioni dal Basso, the first Italian donation/reward crowdfunding platform, in 2005. Managing Director of Folkfunding srl Benefit, a leading company in Italy for the development of Crowd Economy strategies and tools that provides consultancy for crowd investing projects for the lending and equity market. He has overseen the development of several community platforms, including Intesa Sanpaolo’s Donation Platform, and developed CSR and Open Innovation projects for large Italian companies. Consultant on crowdfunding issues for Banca Bper and Banca Etica. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Equity Crowdfunding Association (AIEC) and lecturer for The FundRaising School of Aiccon and Sole24ore Business School.