Cooperativa Primavera 85 hold the on-arrival training for Julia
Marzo 8, 2021Julia is a young girl from Germany who has just started a volunteering experience at the Cooperativa Primavera 85, where she will be working for the next 6 months, in the framework of VOICE III, a project funded by the European Solidarity Corps programme.
PIECE Project: contribute to the project results by filling in or sharing this survey for community workers!
Marzo 1, 2021Since October 2020, ALDA has been a partner in the implementation of the Project PIECE: Participation Inclusion and Engagement of Communities in Europe.
Light on the APProach project!
Febbraio 17, 2021Let’s close the APProach project with the last and final conference of the project and gather online to celebrate the work done by the consortium these last years.
A grant to promote citizenship education and international solidarity
Febbraio 16, 2021ALDA is continuously supporting activities in the field of active European citizenship and international solidarity.
Participatory processes for social cohesion: ALDA’s work in Schio
Novembre 17, 2020From July to September 2020, ALDA supported the Municipality of Schio with the aim of relaunching the Neighborhood Councils, activating a participatory process aimed at increasing the sense of belonging of the population, solving the problems of the various communities from below and planning their future in a shared way
Rush finale a Schio per il rinnovo dei consigli di quartiere: partecipa agli incontri!
Settembre 11, 2020In occasione dell’evento pubblico svoltosi mercoledì 9 settembre 2020 a Schio (VI) a tema “Il quartiere comincia da te! Rigenerazione dei Consigli di Quartiere di Schio”, è stata presentata la fase 2 del processo partecipativo, ovvero il percorso di incontri che vede protagonisti i singoli quartieri in vista del prossimo rinnovo.
Autrement project: a different start from most
Luglio 2, 2020The AUTREMENT Project – Urban and Territorial Planning to Reinvent Mobilities and Engage Tunisian Citizens – officially started on June 1st of this year, in a very unique way, as the world was gently getting out of the lockdown.
How’s it going? A quarterly review by our six Civil Service volunteers
Giugno 4, 2020Last February we welcomed six Civil Service volunteers to our team in the ALDA offices of Brussels, Skopje and Strasbourg. After four months since their arrival, Alessandro, Arianna, Elisa, Francesca, Giorgia and Virginia share their thoughts about their experience in ALDA so far.
Citizen mobilization to manage the pandemic in the Mediterranean region
Giugno 2, 2020LDA Northern Morocco organised an online debate on April 2nd on the role of citizen participation during the health crisis: if on one hand the current economic situation limits the social mobilisation of associations in the field, on the other hand it allows us to come up with new forms of civic and citizen participation.
Contribute to inclusive tourism with the GATE Community of Interest!
Giugno 1, 2020ALDA is happy to share with all interested stakeholders the opportunity to take part in the Community of Interest of GATE.
Youth and Politics – MY EUROPE event in Strasbourg
Luglio 2, 2013From 25th to 27th June 2013, ALDA organised three days of activities in Strasbourg on the topic “Youth and politics”, within the project MY EUROPE and in cooperation with the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe (International Non Governmental Organisations).
Community theatre paving the way towards European active citizenship
Maggio 27, 2013Organised by ALDA in close co-operation with CRT Foundation and the University of Turin, the conference ‘ Crisis and renaissance – Local Community Theatre Paving the Way towards European Active Citizenship’ held on 22 May in Brussels raised awareness about the social and community theatre as a powerful tool for local communities in response to ongoing economic and social crisis.
Final conference of the Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnerships
Maggio 14, 2013The final conference of the Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnerships project, titled “Agreement as a basis of cooperation between civil society and the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, gathered around 80 participants, NGO and LA representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina, neighbouring countries and EU Member States.
ALDA at the Board meeting of Civicus!
Aprile 7, 2013Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA, took part in the Board meeting of Civicus in New York. ALDA joined Civicus – the world alliance for Citizens Participation in 2011 and in 2012, it became part of the Board.
ALDA meets in Brindisi the Euro Mediterranean Scientific and Biomedical Institute
Marzo 29, 2013The meeting took place at ISBEM’s headquarters in Mesagne on 27-28 March 2013 and was an important occasion to discuss the methodology and the action plan of the project whose kick-off is foreseen for April, 15 as well as all relevant details for launching the first activity.
Visit of ALDA’s stand during the plenary session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the CoE
Marzo 21, 2013Within the framework of the project Un-conventional constitution, led by the Directorate of Youth Policy of the Municipality of Vicenza and focused on a comparative analysis of constitutional charters, a group of 36 young Italians aged 16-30 met with ALDA’s staff of the Strasbourg office on Monday, 18 March.