All ALDA events in Pula
April 22, 2013The General Assembly of ALDA took place in Pula on the 19th of April 2013, hosted by the Region Istria, Croatia. Around 60 members of the organisation, local and regional authorities and civil society groups, participated in this important event.
Scholarship Gianfranco Martini given for a research on Transborder Cooperation in South Eastern Europe
April 19, 2013The first scholarship established by ALDA in 2013, dedicated to the Memory of our Honorary President, M. Gianfranco Martini, has been give to Mr. Gianfranco Brusaporci, for his studies in Western Balkans on transborder cooperation.
Cooperation agreement ALDA – UniNettuno
April 17, 2013On the 4th of April, the Vice-President ALDA Alessandro Perelli and the Director of the International Telematics University UNINETTUNO Professor Maria Amata Garito signed a cooperation agreement between the two institutions and launched their first common project.
ALDA to the 3rd Assises of Decentralised cooperation
April 10, 2013ALDA contributed actively to the 3rd Assises of Decentralised Cooperation organised by the Committee of the Regions on the 9th-10th of April. ALDA is one of the contributors to the realisation of the event.
ALDA at the Board meeting of Civicus!
April 7, 2013Antonella Valmorbida, Director of ALDA, took part in the Board meeting of Civicus in New York. ALDA joined Civicus – the world alliance for Citizens Participation in 2011 and in 2012, it became part of the Board.
«The European and Our Affairs» project’s final conference in Zavidovici
April 6, 2013This conference will mark the completion of activities that have lasted a year, in the Zenica region and local communities Zavidovici and Zepce, whose goal was to increase awareness about the EU enlargement and pre-accession aid, with special emphasis on the role of local governments and civil society in reform processes.
ALDA meets in Brindisi the Euro Mediterranean Scientific and Biomedical Institute
March 29, 2013The meeting took place at ISBEM’s headquarters in Mesagne on 27-28 March 2013 and was an important occasion to discuss the methodology and the action plan of the project whose kick-off is foreseen for April, 15 as well as all relevant details for launching the first activity.
Meeting at the Council of Europe to prepare the establishment of a Local Democracy Agency in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
March 26, 2013As part of its strategy towards the Eastern Partnership countries, ALDA decided to establish a Local Democracy Agency (LDA) in Ukraine, aiming at furthering local self-governance and citizen participation collaboration with local authorities in the region.
Visit of ALDA’s stand during the plenary session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the CoE
March 21, 2013Within the framework of the project Un-conventional constitution, led by the Directorate of Youth Policy of the Municipality of Vicenza and focused on a comparative analysis of constitutional charters, a group of 36 young Italians aged 16-30 met with ALDA’s staff of the Strasbourg office on Monday, 18 March.
ALDA at the conference “From the Treaty of Rome to the European Citizenship”
March 21, 2013ALDA, in cooperation with European Federalist Movement – Vicenza and the local organisation InsiemEuropa, organises the event “From the Treaty of Rome to the European Citizenship”, taking place at Vicenza City Hall.
ALDA training course “Citizens participation and funding opportunities to support participatory initiative” in Strasbourg
March 15, 2013In the framework of the Grundtvig In Service Training Programme of the European Commission, ALDA organised the training course for participants coming from 6 different countries working on citizen participation and local democracy.
ALDA at the Italian Youth Forum: new European citizens take the floor
March 13, 2013ALDA, as initiator of the Italian Alliance for the European Year of Citizens and member of the Steering Committee of the European Alliance, was invited to participate to the three-day event “Proposta 2013”.
ALDA providing technical assistance in implementing and dissemination of results of SAPUCCA project
March 11, 2013A series of three seminars were held gathering more than one hundred local participants tackling a wide range of issues related with the legislation and practice in confiscating and administering property acquired from criminal activity in selected Western Balkan countries.
Recommendations in favour of youth employment drafted by participants of the project YEP
February 27, 2013The project Youth Employment and Participation (YEP) gathered 42 young people coming from France, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria and Croatia. It aimed at linking young people unemployment challenge and the crucial role of their participation to make things move and find solutions.
ARLEM’s plenary session for a promising cooperation in the Mediterranean
February 25, 2013On 18 February, the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly (ARLEM) plenary session took place in Brussels at the Committee of the Regions. ARLEM’s commitment is supported by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the European Investment Bank and the European Commission.
Launch of the Gianfranco Martini Scholarship
February 14, 2013The Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) has decided to set up an annual scholarship in memory of its Honorary President, Gianfranco Martini, who passed away in October 2012.