Cultural heritage is an ongoing process
November 18, 2020An interview to Aemilia Papaphilippou, visual artist from Athens, Greece, by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator.
Get the updates you like with our project’s newsletters
November 18, 2020One thing the covid-19 pandemic has taught us is to be extremely resilient and never give on our projects… quite literally in fact!
Epic coordination meeting
November 18, 2020They should have been in Madrid, but instead the EPIC project partners gathered online, each connected from its country, for the EPIC Project’s Coordination Meeting.
Resilient together: a free ALDA membership for municipalities
November 17, 2020What is a public policy? How are the decisions taken? Would you be a decision-maker?
Resilient together: a free ALDA membership for municipalities
November 17, 2020Differently from what all of us was hoping to, the covid-19 emergency has not stopped and neither slowed down.
Participatory processes for social cohesion: ALDA’s work in Schio
November 17, 2020From July to September 2020, ALDA supported the Municipality of Schio with the aim of relaunching the Neighborhood Councils, activating a participatory process aimed at increasing the sense of belonging of the population, solving the problems of the various communities from below and planning their future in a shared way
National narratives as part of ancestral memory of a given historical moment
November 13, 2020An interview to Svetla Petrova, chief curator in the Archaeological Museum in Sandanski, (Bulgaria), interviewed by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator.
The transformative role of Art – Inclusion Matters!
November 12, 2020How art can be a mean for social inclusion?
The CoCo Tour project: where accessibility meets art and culture
November 12, 2020October is a remarkable month in Serbia. On the one hand, October 9th celebrates the National Giving Day, a recurrence underlining the importance of accessibility for people with disabilities.
“Sine ira et studio” – Without passion & beyond emotions
November 12, 2020An interview to Kristiyan Kovachev, historian, guest lecturer and PhD candidate from the South-West University “Neofit Rilski” in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria Interviewed by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator.
A new project for Developing Applied Foreign Language Skills
November 10, 2020ALDA’s team in Skopje is launching a new project about the development of applied foreign language skills.
The past should remain in the past
November 10, 2020An interview with Bojana Janeva Shemova, art historian and curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Skopje, Interviewed by Ana Frangovska, art historian and curator
The Place to Be is in Vicenza!
October 27, 2020Among the several participatory processes ALDA is implementing throughout Europe, a special place is taken by the project carrying on within our very neighborhood in Vicenza (Italy): the “Spark” (Scintilla) project.
Go to GATE: practices of inclusive tourism
October 27, 2020Interested in inclusive tourism? A series of five workshops will take place within the context of the GATE project – Granting Accessible Tourism for Everyone.
ALDA’s 20-year celebrations at their finest during the General Assembly
October 26, 2020On Friday 9th October 2020 took finally place in Brussels the ALDA General Assembly, broadcasted online, so that each member of ALDA as well as the whole staff could participate.
Welcome to the new Governing Board of ALDA
October 26, 2020On Friday October 9th, just after the Extraordinary General Assembly, the 12 candidates to the Governing Board were unanimously elected: an unprecedent situation justified by the number of candidates, being 12 as the positions available, and the excellence of each of them.