IMPACT – Final Conference
May 14, 2021The final conference of IMPACT – Inclusion Matters! using Performing Arts towards Cohesion and Tolerance is here!
Municipality of Lavarone: ALDA and ALDA+ new office, and home for the first workshop with young students!
May 13, 2021The partnership between ALDA+ and the Municipality of Lavarone – a town up in the mountains of Trentino – has always been positive and of mutual growth.
Third capacity building workshop of the LIME project: join us!
May 12, 2021On May 19th 2021 at 9.30 PM CET, ALDA will host the 3rd workshop of the LIME project – Labour Integration for Migrants Employment.
Innovative Solutions for an Inclusive World
May 12, 2021On May 6th 2021, Mind Inclusion, MIICT, and FACE hosted the 4th MI20 Webinar, inviting great speakers and experts to have an interesting discussion titled: “Shaping inclusive societies: the promising path of innovation”.
EU Grants: CERV Programme launches great opportunities
May 10, 2021When it comes to concretely support and fund citizens’ engagement, as well as the implementation of rights and European values, a key tool to bear in mind is the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme – also known as CERV.
“Europe Day” as a starting point to shape the “Future of Europe”
May 7, 2021This year, on May 9th not only will people celebrate the “Europe Day”, but it will also mark the beginning of the Conference on the Future of Europe (COFOE), held – in hybrid format – at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Yet, what is the Conference on the Future of Europe?
POLITEIA: engaging young people in social and political processes!
May 6, 2021The “POLITEIA Western Balkans School for Youth Participation” event will reunite experts, researchers, representatives from associations and institutions from around Europe to discuss youth participation in the political process within POLITEIA School, that this year has turned digital!
RECRUIT: time to start! First national event
May 5, 2021“Social Economy as a tool for territorial development and inclusion” is the tile of the first National event of the project RECRUIT that will take place online on May 6th under the coordination of the Metropolitan City of Bari and the support of Impact Hub and ALDA.
Public consultation as a tool of participative democracy – an insights on Ukraine
April 30, 2021On April the 20th 2021, ALDA was invited to join the “Public consultations as a tool of participatory democracy. World practises and standards”.
International trainings for trainers: BIM and ICONS app
April 28, 2021We are trigger to announce the launch of the International Training for Trainers “Road to Digitalisation for workers 4.0: ICONS method and tools”.
Learning and discovering RADEX project
April 28, 2021Mobilising Against Extremist through Countering and Diverting Radicalisation of Young people” RADEX, is an Erasmus+ funded project on the span of two years.
Intercultural Crosswords: VALID kick-off event
April 27, 2021Thursday and Friday the 22nd and the 23rd of April were two meaningful days for the online introduction of the project VALID – European Towns – Enacting Common Values of Solidarity and Intercultural Dialogue
Nataša Vučković at World Democratic Forum
April 26, 2021On Monday, April 26th, on the occasion of the World Democracy Forum (WDF), the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe has organised an online event.
Innovation, accessibility and participation: the key words for the SMART International Webinars
April 23, 2021Although this year has been particularly difficult for the cultural and touristic sector, SMART is even more determined to support local and international tourism; to strengthen organizations and to promote communities’ resilience!
VALID kick off meeting
April 21, 2021Do not miss the first international meeting of VALID project!
«Freedom award» We voted, did you?
April 20, 2021On April 15th 2021, ALDA and the Human Rights and Peace Institute of Caen have organised a workshop held in French for the young Macedonians francophone, on the “Freedom award”.