Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV), European Remembrance – 2024 (CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM), CERV-2024-CITIZENS- REM-HOLOCAUST – Strengthening the remembrance of the Holocaust, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity to reinforce democracy in the EU
Deadline of the call: 06.06.2024
Location: EU Member States, non-EU countries associated with the Programme
Objective: Projects can focus on countering Holocaust distortion, trivialization, and denial as well as digitalising historical material and testimonies of witnesses for education and training purposes. These projects are encouraged to work as well with young people, together with other generations, in order to transmit the memory of events. Projects can also focus on reaching out to newcomers and migrants and teach about the history of the Holocaust, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Additionally, projects under this priority can also analyse and highlight resistance and/or organised opposition to totalitarian rule. Projects under this priority can also focus on promoting awareness and memory of the Roma Holocaust and reconciliation processes in society, to help reduce prejudice and antigypsyism as important causes of discrimination and contribute to achieving the EU Roma Strategic Framework’s objectives in the area of equality.