ALDA is now implementing in the city of Peja/Pec the project Youth wears Green, in the framework of the Youth in Action Programme and in collaboration with TcK “Tavolo Trentino con il Kosovo”. The topic of the exchange is the environmental protection.
The project, whose first day activity started on 16 April 2012, has been seeing the participation of youngsters aged 18-25 from Italy, France, Serbia and Kosovo. The participants are being involved in debating on environmental issues and in promoting green measures that could be applied locally.
Despite the enthusiasm surrounding the living and working together, the organising team had to register the strong disappointment of all those involved of not having the opportunity to meet with the Georgian participants. Kosovo authorities denied the access of the Georgian participants at the airport border and qualified them as suspicious people despite the possession of the legal documents required and sent back to them as unwelcomed people.
Despite the inconvenience had with the participants from Georgia the youth exchange has been implementing with a great success allowing participants to reflect and discuss on sustainable development, protection of nature, global worming and the most vivid topic on environmental protection. Different tools and methodologies has been applied during the exchange, all within the framework of non-formal education and highlighting the creativity of the participants.