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In line with the objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme and in order to foster the achievement of Europe2020 goals, the YouthMetre project aims at supporting EU Member States, municipalities and regions in carrying out effective policy reforms in the field of Youth, in line with the indications provided by the EU Youth Strategy and according to the priorities perceived by its target population: young Europeans.
In line with the objectives of the Call, YouthMetre foresees activities whose specific aim is to provide in-depth knowledge about the self-perceived needs of the target group(s) (Young Europeans) in learning, teaching, training or youth work situations and effective methodologies and tools that help policy makers to develop initiatives in line with the target population’s collected needs.

The project addresses “Priority 7- Using e-participation as an instrument to foster young people’s empowerment and active participation in democratic life”.
It starts from the outcomes of previous youth projects, through OMC YouthMetre empowers youth to engage with and impact on EU youth policy. An e-tool will be produced to close the gap between youth and institutions by collecting the perceived needs of youth in key policy areas and providing guidelines to public institutions that help address them. YouthMetre aims at directly providing youngsters with necessary skills and knowledge to foster effective implementation, by policy makers, of the guidelines provided by the “Youthmetre”.