This month, ALDA welcomed the partners of the DEVOTE project (Developing the Competencies of Teachers to Integrate Students from Migrant Background into European Schools) in Strasbourg in order to work together on the development of the online course foreseen by the project. In addition, the consortium discussed the sustainability of the project, especially after its completion, while having preliminary discussions on the Community of Educators. The latter will be created for teachers to support each other; and exchange good practices. Of course participants took some informal time to discover Strasbourg and its Christmas sparkle!
Promote the “Whole School Approach”, to set up an assessment of students with migrant backgrounds and to learn from good practices
From a general perspective, the project aims to strengthen the integration of students with migrant backgrounds in schools and improve their success in education by providing training, coaching and guidance to teachers equipping school leaders and educators with the necessary skills and innovative tools to support secondary students in the process, strengthening collaboration between schools, families, and other external stakeholders.
To this end, at the core of the project is the creation of a brand new online course for teachers to strengthen their approach towards language support, parental support, psycho-social support, but also to enable them to promote the Whole School Approach, to set up an assessment of students with migrant backgrounds and to learn from good practices already used across Europe.
The course, currently under development, brings together the expertise of 5 project partners (4 associations and 2 universities) with complementary expertise on issues related to inclusion, support for migrant populations, education and digital training.
The meeting in Strasbourg was a necessary step to discuss the technical development of the platform, the content of the modules, the evaluation of the learners: The online course is expected to be available in 2022!