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TIC-TAC gathers 13 project partners and 10 associate partners from Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Macedonia, Malta, Romania, Slovakia and Spain. It is designed to increase awareness about the European Union, the Europe for Citizens Programme and opportunities for increasing citizen participation at local and European level. It promotes the four actions of the Europe for Citizens Programme and encourages quality projects under this programme among ALDA’s members and partners.

The project aims at establishing partnerships between different stakeholders, local authorities, civil society organisations and research centres. It mainly raises their awareness about the importance to act as active citizenship activators and promote a greater sense of ownership of the EU and European values. The project aims also at providing training, information and cooperation opportunities within Europe for Citizens that would contribute to creating new partnerships and networks.
The work-programme foresees the following main activities:
- An international training course held in Brussels on 29th-31st March 2012 focused on the Europe for Citizens programme;
- 12 Local Information Days disseminate the Europe for Citizens objectives locally
- Bratislava (Slovakia), April 21, 2012 – Event poster – Event agenda
- Osijek (Croatia), May 5th, 2012 – questionnaire for citizens, communication with citizens, dissemination of material, processing of feedback from citizens.
- Ireland, May 11th, 2012 – event organised by Leafair Community Association.
- Rubick (Albania), May 17th, 2012 – The Association of Albanian Municipalities (AAM) organised, in cooperation with the City of Rubick, a one-day event during the Saint “Buemi” Day. The Info-day was dedicated, among others, to the presentation of TIC-TAC and included different activities (workshops, cultural animation) on cultural traditions of the region and the European cultural heritage.
- Vejle (Denmark), May 22th, 2012 – event organised by the Municipality
- Sofia (Bulgaria), June 1st, 2012 – event organised by the Association of European Partnership in cooperation with the Municipality of Sofia
- Gazi Baba (municipality of Skopje) and Valandovo (Macedonia), June 12th and 14th, 2012 – two events organised by the Center for Institutional Development (CIRa). Skopje event agenda – Valandovo event agenda
- An international 3-day Citizenship Fair, October 29th-31st October 2012 in Malta promoting exchange of good practices among partners and debating about the main challenges faced by local and European stakeholders in the field of democracy and citizen participation.
Beside the project partners, TIC-TAC project benefits from the cooperation of 10 expert associate partners:
- NGO Horizont, Albania – www.horizont-albania.weebly.com
- National Forum API, Bulgaria) – www.apiplovdiv.tripod.com
- Agora Central Europe, Research centre, Czech Republic – www.agora-ce.cz
- Cooperation and Development, Albania – www.crcd.org.al
- Coalition of youth organizations SEGA, Macedonia – www.sega.org.mk
- Learning Cities Association – APS, Italia – www.learningcities.it
- Gouv2U, Belgium – www.gov2u.org
- Associazione network per lo sviluppo locale – UNSICO, Italy – www.unisco.it
- World Wide Association, Italy – www.worldwide-aps.eu
- Association of Rural Families and Women, Spain – www.afammer.org