The Union of Towns and Cities of Slovakia, in co-operation with ALDA and City Bratislava, organises InfoDay Europe for Citizens that take place in Bratislava, on the 21th of April, 2012, within the ALDA Project TIC-TAC – Training, Information, Cooperation – Towards Active Citizenship.
The event will be held in Primatial Palace, Primacialne nam. 1, from 8:00 to 18:00.
This InfoDay is the first local event organised within the project TIC-TAC and will be followed by eleven other similar initiatives taken by the other partners of this project.
The InfoDay will focus on the promotion of Europe for Citizens Program, history and the concept of Europe wide town-twinning initiatives; deepen knowledge about the concept of active citizenship and citizen’s participation in the European context.
The InfoDay create the platform for the meeting of local authorities and citizens that are interested in the field of active citizenship and in improving governance and relationships between citizens and municipal governments at all levels